Errors, bugs, questions - page 528


Since there is no position, the queries must give adequate data.

1. "Since there is no position", there is no point in requesting further data about open position. The handbook clearly warns: "...calls to PositionGetDouble(), PositionGetInteger(), and PositionGetString() return previously copied data".

2. PositionSelect() "returns false when the function fails". You, on the other hand, continue to request position data after the function fails (i.e. after an open position selection fails ). If this is a "bug", it is not the developers' fault.


I remember there was a question about defining the language of the terminal. I can't find the discussion and how it ended. will the developers give me a possibility like TerminalInfoString ?

The alternative using DLL is to go into MT5\Configuration\Terminal.ini and read the [ Language= ] parameter... but I would like to be civilized...

Should I write a request to Service Desk?


I remember a question was raised about defining the terminal language. I can't find the discussion and how did it end? Will the developers give a feature like TerminalInfoString ?

An alternative using DLL is to go to MT5\Configuration\Terminal.ini and read the parameter [ Language= ]. But I want to be civilized...


Number of code page of language installed in client terminal

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Состояние клиентского терминала
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Состояние клиентского терминала
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Состояние клиентского терминала - Документация по MQL5

yes, of course I've seen that, but I haven't realized it returns the current terminal language yet

(it doesn't make sense to me what charset means).



Checked it. 1252 is just the code page.

BUT, my terminal has a language currently selected - German.

I am not interested in system code page (1252), but in terminal language (Germany).


Checked it. 1252 is the Russian code page.

BUT. my terminal has the language currently selected - German.

That's what I need. I am not interested in the system code page (1252) and the language of the terminal (Germany).

Please writea request to servicedesk. We'll figure it out.

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However, I don't understand why you would ask for the position' s data if you failed to select it. But that's okay.

As far as I understood it was not a question of requesting data on failure.

If a successful selection is returned, the data can be retrieved, but the time gap between selection and data retrieval should be minimal.


Yes, we will. I've already made sure that French, German, Spanish and Italian use the same code page 1252 (Western European)

As far as I understood, there was no question of asking for a request when it failed.

Well, have a look at the code given by the author. And in which case PositionGetDouble is called :)