Errors, bugs, questions - page 404


Build 463 x64

I'm just in shock (positive)

The terminal with the hovered experts started loading in less than 30 seconds instead of 15-20 minutes (I didn't miss that)!

What have you tweaked?

The terminal actually starts within 10 seconds but it still clashes with antivirus.

To the developers.

What should I do to not shut down antivirus and after update the terminal didn't glitch?


Build 463 x64

I'm just in shock (positive)

The terminal with the hovered experts started loading in less than 30 seconds instead of 15-20 minutes (I didn't get it wrong)!

What have you tweaked?

Can you attach the old and new startup log?

That is the first N lines of old startup of previous build till the moment of stabilization and first N lines of log of new build till the moment of stabilization?


The terminal does load in 10 seconds, but still conflicts with the antivirus.

To developers.

What should I do to not kill antivirus and for the terminal not to glitch after update?

What exactly is happening (screenshots, logs, descriptions) and on which antivirus?

For our part, we do everything correctly within reasonable limits and all our files are digitally signed. Anti-viruses just don't like it when a program updates itself.

Examples for 25 technical indicators have been added. Will do for the others next week as well.
Thanks. would like to see similar using the standard library and examples of the later.

What exactly is going on (screenshots, logs, descriptions) and on which antivirus?

For our part, we do everything correctly within reasonable limits and all our files are digitally signed. Anti-viruses just don't like it when the program updates itself.

I have already described the problem before.

In general it looks like this:

1. When upgrading to a new build, during first reboot terminal cannot load new build normally.

Processor is loaded at 70-100%. terminal.exe process hangs in lists (can't unload the process manually). The process exists but not the interface (a couple of times the interface tried to appear, but only a white window without menus and other items was visible).

KIS 2011 Antivirus ( - b.c.d). Maximum protection is enabled (except perhaps for parental control), but MT5 has all the permissions it needs.

Also have ticked all the checkboxes wherever possible - Trust programs that have a digital signature.

3. terminal can only start if I've disabled automatic reboot after updates, turn off antivirus (it stops working), and then run the terminal.

All restarts are performed normally with active antivirus.

There are cases of successful restart after update, but terminal loads about 15-20 minutes (less under lucky circumstances).


It may be not connected with antivirus (for example, terminal internal work on change of build), but it takes too long with active protection.

At least it used to be like this.


Can you attach old and new start log?

That is, the first N lines of the old start log of the previous build before stabilisation and the first N lines of the new build log before stabilisation?

Boot log (where 15 minutes later, if it's important... and this will probably be enough)
log.txt  7 kb

Build 463, WinXP SP3.

For several builds now, the optimizer is not working properly. During optimization, agents go to "finished" or "ready" state, and some remain in "busy" state until you manually disable / enable agents with "busy" state (i.e. actually testing process is stopped). After "restarting" agents in busy state all other agents wake up and the process continues until another deadlock.

Agent hang-ups

The following can be observed in the log during the process:

Too slow agent...


Why aren't the brackets highlighted when the distance is long?



d rather hear the answer to the following question - Do we expect parameters in OnTrade() by the championship or not?

Of course, if there are still plans on the subject...

Don't wait.

The issue is not closed. The developers have discussed it several times. We haven't come to a definite conclusion. Implementation turns out too cumbersome. So, a solution is postponed for the time being.

I.e. implementation of this variant causes serious problems?

void OnTrade(
             const string symbol,//символ, от которого (по которому) пришло торговое событие
             const uchar type,   //тип торгового события (изменения в ордерах, позициях или сделках)
             const ulong ticket  //тикет ордера или сделки, либо идентификатор позиции (в зависимости от второго параметра)
From there I would sort out the signal myself. And now I don't see the point in using OnTrade(void) function at all - to run the same filters every time each trade event arrives with, say, 12 traded symbols.
Download log (I'll find the 15 minutes later if necessary... and that will probably be enough)
Thanks for the log, we'll look into it.