Errors, bugs, questions - page 275

The picture is added to the EX5 resource with the command
#resource "<path to file relative to the folder MQl5\Images>"

to use pictures from executable EX5 objects' resources, the file path must be set to "::<image name>.bmp".


Thank you.

This works too.


Thank you.

That works too.

It will work as long as there is no file starting with r,n,t,x or X
Will work as long as there is no file starting with r,n,t,x or X
Thanks - that was fun. :)))
Thank you - that was fun. :)))
Nothing funny. Learn the math: Symbolic constants
It's not funny. Learn the math: Symbolic constants
What do you mean, nothing funny? I thought it was a great joke.
What do you mean nothing's funny? I thought it was a great joke.

Either the skis aren't running or....

what's the joke? or is it friday and you want to relax?


Either the skis aren't running or it's....

what's the joke? or is it friday and you want to relax?

probably already relaxed :)

Either the skis aren't running or....

what's the joke? or is it friday and you want to relax?

:) Well, don't mind me. mql5 and i understand each other.) It's a long explanation. And there's really nothing to explain. :)

Good afternoon!

Can you tell me how I can use custom indicators in my EAs and trading signal modules?

Thank you.

Переход на новые рельсы: пользовательские индикаторы в MQL5
Переход на новые рельсы: пользовательские индикаторы в MQL5
  • 2009.11.23
  • Андрей
Я не буду перечислять все новые возможности и особенности нового терминала и языка. Их действительно много, и некоторые новинки вполне достойны освещения в отдельной статье. Вы не увидите здесь кода, написанного по принципам объектно-ориентированного программирования — это слишком серьезная тема для того, чтобы просто быть упомянутой в контексте как дополнительная вкусность для кодописателей. В этой статье остановимся подробней на индикаторах, их строении, отображении, видах, а также особенностях их написания по сравнению с MQL4.

Good afternoon!

Can you tell me how I can use custom indicators in my EAs and trading signal modules?

Thank you.

Look at the MQL5 Reference Guide / Technical Indicators / iCustom . First get the handle of the required indicator, then copy its buffers(MQL5 Reference / Access to timeseries and indicators / CopyBuffer ).