Errors, bugs, questions - page 247


Probably need to add such a thing:

But I don't need an object of the mentioned classes. What I need is a simple function for the base type string I described.

There is a function EnumToString
There is a function called EnumToString

There is no such function in the help, but on the website there is....


There is no such function in the help, but on the website there is....

It will be in the next update.

I don't know about the experts, but I read on this website that a website is a flexible

updatable resource, and a handbook is just a handbook.

i.e. it's better to trust the help on a software forum than the

in the handbook!


I don't know about the experts, but I read on this website that a website is a flexible

updatable resource, and a handbook is just a handbook.

i.e. it's better to believe the help on the programmers' forum than the help in the

the help in the handbook!

Delete the MQL5 helpfile and press F1 in MetaEditor 5 - it will download the latest version, which corresponds to the online version.
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileDelete
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileDelete
Файловые операции / FileDelete - Документация по MQL5

Yes, it's a bug, we'll fix it after the build is released

In the meantime, you can use this

By the way, overloading between long and ulong does not work even with this call.
Will be in the next update.

I'm sorry... How does one know about this feature if it's not stated anywhere???

Your post:

There is such a function EnumToString

In this particular case you should use "we forgot to include this feature in the documentation" or "we just added this feature"...

Yedelkin: get to the method of a class, which is PeriodStr method, you need to declare the appropriate class, in our case it's CIndicator class(MQL5 Reference / Standard Library / Classes for working with indicators / Basic classes / CIndicator ). Isn't it so?

To use someone's method you must declare an instance of the class.
There is a function EnumToString
Thank you very much - this is the best option in my case :-)

I'm sorry... How does one know about this feature if it's not stated anywhere???

Your post:

In this particular case you should use "we forgot to include this feature in the documentation" or "we just added this feature"...

No need to put yourself before others...

You are not quite right. The feature appeared on 14.12(, it's just that the local terminal has not updated the help yet.
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