Errors, bugs, questions - page 244


Hopefully the developers will still hear us and help us catch this floating bug....

I have exactly the same thing (given that I sometimes put the computer to sleep). The server MQ. Cures by jerking the graph with mouse. As for servicedesk, they work with my request. Yesterday I got a question "can you clarify what access point the terminal was working with?". I was not able to clarify because I could not find any such information in the log. So if your current session is not interrupted and there is a problem, please write to Service Desk and ask about the "access point".

For the last couple of days, the terminal shuts down when the tester window is opened. What could be the problem ...?

Here, it turns out that there is a limit on the number of variables defined via input - 80. Then the tester starts to glitch and shuts down the terminal.

Вот, разобрался, оказывается есть ограничение на количество переменных, определяемых через input - 80. Далее тестер начинает глючить и отключать терминал. 

Here is the developers' response:
В чём дело? При открытии вкладки тестера стратегий вылетает торговый терминал. С чем это может быть связанно?
В чём дело? При открытии вкладки тестера стратегий вылетает торговый терминал. С чем это может быть связанно?
При открытии вкладки тестера стратегий вылетает торговый терминал.
Here's the reply from the developers:
Yikes, I emailed them a week ago, but they didn't give me a sensible answer. They announced the error when I figured it out myself. It's a pipe.


Can you tell me, when testing using"genetic algorithm" some combinations of input variables are skipped and are not tested.

Question: is this done on purpose?

Генетические алгоритмы - это просто!
Генетические алгоритмы - это просто!
  • 2010.05.25
  • Andrey Dik
В статье автор расскажет об эволюционных вычислениях с использованием генетического алгоритма собственной реализации. Будет показано на примерах функционирование алгоритма, даны практические рекомендации по его использованию.


Can you tell me, when testing using"genetic algorithm" some combinations of input variables are skipped and are not tested.

Question: is this done on purpose?

Look at Optimization modes and the article Genetic algorithms - mathematical apparatus

In addition, there is an article here Genetic Algorithms - It's Simple!

Yikes, I wrote to the service department a week ago, but they didn't give me a sensible answer. They announced the error when I figured it out myself. Pipes.
They couldn't find your request.
Yikes, I wrote to the service department a week ago, but they didn't give me a sensible answer. They announced the error when I figured it out myself. Pipe.
Sorry, it turns out I wrote to the forum and not to the servicedek:)

Help! The indicator works fine, displays and calculates everything, but

when a new tick comes, it goes to zero and lines are built anew, here is a screenshot

and then this:

and everything goes back to normal:

And then again on the arrival of a new tick. Maybe someone has...


Seems to be zeroing in this function (on tick arrival)


double d1=A1/1000.0*b1;
double d2=A2/1000.0*b2;
