Errors, bugs, questions - page 115


Renat clearly wrote you how to open the log can, if it is not clear you can do it this way. Click on the Experts tab, then right-click on the log and select open in the list that popped up

or like this

I did it exactly as Renat wrote. File 20100831.log in directory C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\MQL5\Logs was zero length, i.e. empty.

But in the second part of your post there was another option to view the data, which worked (thanks for that). That gave me an idea and a number of experiments.

Experimented. I guess the reason of missing data was that the data remained in the buffer after closing the Expert Advisor and was only reset to disk in the journal after closing MT5 (deleting the Expert Advisor from a chart has no such effect).

Repeated the experiment from scratch. Closing the Expert Advisor leaves the file empty, with no data. Closing MT5 physically writes data from the buffer to the log.

Can you advise whether there is an analogue of the command of forced data writing to the Expert Advisor's journal (like FileFlush)?


File may be temporarily empty, because terminal keeps logs in memory and resets them to disk in portions.

To force dump logs to disk, use "Open" command in required log window.

Your answer preempted my question :)

Thanks for your help!


There is no explicit software command to reset the terminal's system buffers.

The terminal takes care of the frequency and amount of log data reset to disk itself.


There is no explicit software command to reset system buffers of the terminal.

Terminal itself takes care of frequency and volume of resetting log data to disk.

I see.

But agree that it would be logical to force writing all stored information from the buffer to the logbook when removing the EA from the chart.


But agree that it would be logical to force writing all stored information from buffer to log when EA is removed from chart.

Only if it is assumed that someone external is going to look at these files on purpose. If it is done by a person, the log buffers are forcibly reset when the "Open" function is called.

In working mode, Expert Advisors can generate (and do) so many logs that the terminal must necessarily buffer them in order not to slow down on frequent and small file operations.

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Вызов функции
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Вызов функции
Основы языка / Функции / Вызов функции - Документация по MQL5

Good afternoon!

The Print function saw a value in the _Point log as 1e-005. How do you read this value 1e-005?

Документация по MQL5: Общие функции / Print
Документация по MQL5: Общие функции / Print
Общие функции / Print - Документация по MQL5

Good afternoon!

The Print function saw a value in the _Point log as 1e-005. How do you read this value 1e-005?

0.00001 (1 to the minus 5th power)

Can we do something about the stylizer... Bored...

The idea is again very good and useful, if before I clicked spaces and tabs myself, now it's done, and it especially saves time when changing code. Removed a parenthesis or condition, etc., clicked and everything is aligned, visually easier to continue working. But, why does he put frames? EVERYWHERE!!! In the middle of the code! And LOTS of frames...! A box is needed only once, in the title of a function, and it's easier to copy it by yourself than to delete a HUGE bunch of extra boxes.

Please don't say you won't change anything, this stuff is not hard to remove, without it the styler is a very useful and handy thing.

0.00001 (1 to the minus 5th degree)
I see, thank you.
0.00001 (1 to the minus 5th power)

correct 0.00001=1*10^(-5)

wrong 0.00001=1^(-5)