Errors, bugs, questions - page 113


It means that you also have a bug, but not as much as me.

Perhaps you should look for it in the software's connection to the system.

What kind of system do you have?

I have a core2duo 1.3 Ghz 64 Win7 HB license, 4GB ddr 2 RAM, build. 316

About the same as yours, mt5 build. 316


let's say the cycle starts from zero... although where is it written that deal numbers start from zero? Judging by the fact that now we get 10611 (before it was 611, instead of about 2000), ie, plus the size of the original deposit, I'm not sure about it ... even if it is zero even one I still do not understand where 10,000 comes from

Debugger, I see, F11...

You applied the DEAL_TYPE property of the trade, and you should have DEAL_ENTRY.

if(HistoryDealGetInteger(тикет,DEAL_ENTRY)==DEAL_ENTRY_IN || HistoryDealGetInteger(тикет,DEAL_ENTRY)==DEAL_ENTRY_STATE)
Почему SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_LIMIT), возвращает ноль?
0 means no restrictions.
Why not DBL_MAX?

You have applied the DEAL_TYPE property of the transaction, instead of DEAL_ENTRY.

Right, shit... thanks!

yeah... it's not good to think that if it doesn't work, it must be a developer's glitch... :)

The loop starts from scratch...

What's wrong with the debugger? The variables "ticket" and "profit-period" should have shown values there, why don't they?


About the same as yours, MT5 build. 316

I wrote to Service Desk about our problems, they replied that they have solved - "Error in maths with long under x64 has been fixed", now I have to wait one week for the new build. - I will wait one week for new build.

What does it mean? CompileOnDeinit function defined with wrong parameters

Here's my deinit:

void OnDeinit() {ObjectDelete(0,"TRADE"); ObjectDelete(0,"TimeToBarEnd");}


What does it mean? CompileOnDeinit function defined with wrong parameters

Here's my deinit:

The const int reason parameter seems to be missing
There seems to be a missing parameter - const int reason

like this :

void OnDeinit(const int reason) {ObjectDelete(0,"TRADE"); ObjectDelete(0,"TimeToBarEnd");}

Same error when compilingOnDeinit function defined with wrong parameters

Doesn't anyone use the deinit?


like this :

Same error when compilingOnDeinit function defined with wrong parameters

Doesn't anyone use deinit?

I just checked, there are no errors, my MT5 x64 build 316, you must have messed up somewhere else, probably with parentheses or forgot to put a ";" somewhere.

Service-desk doesn't work.

After pressing the "Save" button, the status bar shows "Waiting for reply from" for about 20 seconds and then an orange "An error has occurred".

I tried both Re-Login and Ctrl+F5, but it does not help. FireFox 3.6.8

The problem itself:

Описание проблемы

Incorrect headers in the account history report saved by the terminal:


- Largest Loss trades (% of all):

- Average Loss trades (% of all ):

Expected result

- Largest Loss trades:

- Average Loss trades: