Holes - page 3


Is this happening on the 249 build?

Check access points - maybe they're the problem.


Is this happening on build 249?

Check access points - maybe they're the problem.

build 249

tried switching again:
Server --> Server Backup: holes appear.
Server Backup --> Server: holes remain + Update: holes disappear.


build 249

Tried switching again:
Server --> Server Backup: holes appear.
Server Backup --> Server: holes remain + Update: holes disappear.

Thanks for the message, the bug will be fixed.

Holes again, or rather somehow mysteriously the bars disappear (the deals hang in the void).


The strange thing is that I've never seen anything like this before. Here's a picture. The vertical gray lines are the beginning of the hour.

no way to fix it ((


so far all the bars are mixed up too.

I don't know how to fix it, but the quality of quotes coming in will kill any trading system. Smooth history is good. but quality of quotes is even more important.

build 274


Holes again, or rather some mysterious way the bars disappear (transactions hang in the void).

There is such a thing, and after updating and disconnection they disappear again in the same places

And sometimes the update does not help. Last night I tried to update the euro for a minute, after the fifth time I gave up...

At the same time on the other tf history is displayed normally.

And I noticed in the debugger that request of minute history in expert with functions Copy*() leads to a very long stupor, by the way, maybe it is an error.


Opened the terminal today and did not find yesterday's day. Although I was working with the terminal yesterday

marat_a :

Opened the terminal today and did not find yesterday's day. Although I was working with the terminal yesterday

I am seeing this too!

Here's more.

2010.06.03 - no bars, or rather one strange-looking bar.