MetaEditor. Problems and solutions. - page 4

I don't understand, is it possible to print a script in monochrome, i.e. not in colour, on paper in ME?
Of course, you set the printer to print in black and white.

Dear developers!

Is it possible to set the Show/Open Toolbox window to the Esc button?

Right now it works by Ctrl+T and this is very unusual and, in my opinion, inconvenient!

Is it possible to duplicate the Show/Open Toolbox window to the Esc button as it was in Quaternary?

A trifle, but a nuisance. Wouldn't want to change habits developed over the years.

Not sure if this relates to the editor, more to the compiler, but still a question: how to disable the feature, so that comments after inputs are not perceived as their default names? It would be logical, if for this purpose would be used a special language construct or at least a special kind of comment - for example, three slashes in a row (///), rather than two. Using a standard comment as something that affects the compilation is inappropriate. A standard comment is, by definition, something the compiler skips!
Not sure if this relates to the editor, rather to the compiler, but still a question: how to disable the feature, so that comments after inputs are not taken as their default names? It would be logical, if for this purpose would be used a special language construct or at least a special kind of comment - for example, three slashes in a row (///), rather than two. Using a standard comment as something that affects compilation is inappropriate. A standard comment is, by definition, something the compiler skips!

Well, three slashes will be skipped because two have already been there, then the compiler just won't read the third one, and just moves on to another line.

but it's better to use /# instead of ///.

it makes sense since the compiler will still look for the next operator after / to see if it's a division or comment.


Не уверен, что сие относится к редактору - скорее к компилятору, но все же вопрос: как отключить фичу, чтобы комменты после input-ов не воспринимались как их названия по-умолчанию? Было бы логично, если бы для этих целей использовалась специальная конструкция языка или на худой конец специального вида коммент - например, три слеша подряд (///), а не два. Использовать стандартный коммент, как нечто, влияющее на компиляцию - негоже. Стандартный коммент - по определению то, что компилятор пропускает!

A similar topic has been discussed before. It has been suggested that /* should be used as a substitute (see the handbook for details).
Not sure if this relates to the editor, more to the compiler, but still a question: how to disable the feature, so that comments after inputs are not perceived as their default names? It would be logical, if for this purpose would be used a special language construct or at least a special kind of comment - for example, three slashes in a row (///), rather than two. Using a standard comment as something that affects the compilation is inappropriate. A standard comment is, by definition, something the compiler skips!
Try it this way:
input int  param=0;  /* видимое название параметра  */   // комментарии программиста - не видны на закладки "Параметры"

Dear developers!

Is it possible to set the Show/Open Toolbox window to the Esc button?

Right now it works by Ctrl+T and this is very unusual and, in my opinion, inconvenient!

Is it possible to duplicate the Show/Open Toolbox window to the Esc button as it was in Quaternary?

A trifle, but a nuisance. Wouldn't want to change habits developed over the years.

For now, the behaviour will remain the same.

The Ctrl+T combination has been around for a long time and no one has abolished it.

Try it this way:

This is inconvenient - firstly, the comments are of different styles, and on the same line, and secondly, the comment /* */ to use for a single line comment is a mauvais ton. This is correct - through the construction of the language:

input "Title - видимое описание|Hint - подсказка по наведению" int Number = 0; // рабочие комменты, не вылезающие в интерфейс пользователя
The description line after the input is optional. Why it is difficult to do correctly and conveniently - is not clear.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Синтаксис / Комментарии
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Синтаксис / Комментарии
Основы языка / Синтаксис / Комментарии - Документация по MQL5

This is inconvenient - firstly, the comments are of different styles, and on the same line, and secondly, the comment /* */ to use for a single-line comment is a mauvais ton. This is correct - through the construction of the language:

The line with descriptions after the input is optional. What is the difficulty in making it correct and convenient - I do not understand.
Your point is well taken. Nothing will change in this respect. It's a trifle, for input variables several times you can insert comments in this style.
Your point of view is accepted. Nothing will change in this regard. It's a small thing, for input variables you can insert comments in that style a few times.

There are a ton of such trifles. And I don't bother writing about minor things, because I know the answer - we are not going to change anything (including Bug fixes), that's all. If there is a problem with fixing small details, then the problem with something big is even bigger.

Solid "props" in programming methods and styles. The trademark.