MetaEditor. Problems and solutions. - page 3


No problem, but there is a wish.

I think it would be useful to implement a function in MetaEditor to change the layout of the selected text.

@Nfrfz ghjcnfz aeyrwbz cbkmyj j,ktuxbn hf,jne ntv rnj pf,sdftn gthtrk.xfnm hfcrkflrb. nbgf vtyz@

then highlight this section of text and press for example [Ctrl]+[j] and voila, you have a meaningful text.

"This simple function will make things a lot easier for people who forget to switch layouts, like me."

Attached file is an mq4 script implementing such a thing.


There is no problem, but there is a wish.

Similarly. Is it possible to make text selection in MetaEditor by changing the background colour, as it is implemented, for example, in Word?
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы графиков / Свойства графиков
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы графиков / Свойства графиков
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы графиков / Свойства графиков - Документация по MQL5
Similarly. Is it possible to make text selection in MetaEditor by changing the background colour, as it is implemented, for example, in Word?
Isn't the colour of the text enough already?
Isn't the colour of the text enough already?
What "text colour" are we talking about?
What "text colour" are we talking about?

As I understand it, in addition to what you have now (coloured text selection, e.g. text, numbers, operators, etc.) you also want the text to be highlighted with a background?


All the more so because it's already there...


As I understand it, in addition to what you have now (coloured text selection. For example: text, numbers, operators, etc.) you also want the text to be highlighted with a background?


Especially since it's all already there...

You've got it wrong.

Firstly, "what's there now" falls under the category of fixed editor settings and does not allow the user to quickly highlight some text by changing the font colour while editing code.

Secondly, because "colored text highlighting" is reserved for various service words and phrases, it would be somewhat unreasonable to use the same technique to quickly highlight a portion of the code being edited.

So my wish is to make (implement) text selection by changing the background colour, like it is implemented, for example, in Word, in order to quickly select a part of the text while editing the code.

= All the more so because it's already there... =

Please indicate where in the editor the options "Font colour" and "Background colour" are located, that allow operatively "tinting" these or those code areas during the process of code editing.



= All the more so because it's already there... =

Please indicate where in the editor the "Font colour" and"Background colour" options are located, which allow you to quickly "tint" this or that code section while editing the code.

I didn't say anything about quickness.

I merely asked whether the existing capabilities were sufficient or not.


From your answer I understood the essence of the request, but something tells me that developers are not very willing to implement this idea (referring to sufficiency of current text selection tools in the editor, for example).

Although the idea to allow the user to "promptly" change: font, text colour and background colour is interesting enough (I would even say - HOLY)...


Although the idea of allowing the user to "promptly" change: font, text colour and background colour is quite interesting (I would even say HOLY)...

About the funniness :)

From the outside it may look so, but I am already tired of each time copying the code into Word, there editing it with highlighting and changing font of various code blocks, and then shoving it all back into the editor for code alignment and compilation.

What the developers think, I don't know, but it follows from my previous answer that the current means of text selection in the editor cannot be considered sufficient. Your idea of changing the font goes in the same direction.


About the funniness :)

From the outside it may look that way, but I am already tired of each time copying the code into Word, there editing it with highlighting and changing font of various code blocks, and then shoving it all back into the editor for code alignment and compilation.

I don't know what the developers think, but it follows from my previous answer that the current means of text selection in the editor cannot be considered sufficient. Your idea about changing the font goes in the same vein.

The answer of developers, at least for now, will be something like this: "We'll see what we can do. And now use what we have or third-party code editors (more advanced in this regard).
I don't understand, is it possible to print a script on paper in monochrome, i.e. not in colour?