Trading: Price Forecasting Using Neural Networks


New article Price Forecasting Using Neural Networks has been published:

Many traders speak about neural networks, but what they are and what they really can is known to few people. This article sheds some light on the world of artificial intelligence. It describes, how to prepare correctly the data for the network. Here you will also find an example of forecasting using means of the program Matlab.

Author: Shashev Sergei



Do enjoy your lessons, pls could i have further access to study materials  on Nueral Networks from you darling Shashev Sergei?


Hi Shashev,

I have a few questions from your using Anfis Editor:

1. How to make Anfis Editor have more than 1 output? Is 1 output the limit?

2. In Anfis Editor, what are the number of MFs, MF type, and output MF type (constant/linear)

Thanks! I hope you can read this msg to answer it because your article is very insightful