Matstat Econometrics Matan - page 17


You can. But it works better with a straight line. There is less friction and less loss on the spread. Up and down, you'll get carsick and dizzy. It's much better on a straight line. I used to trade by hand a long time ago. I drew a line, forcibly called it the current trend. And go ahead. If the market disagrees, it's their problem :)))

I suggest to use only sinc() function, as it is used in Kotelnikov's theorem) By the way, this theorem has not been mentioned on the forum yet this year - this should be corrected)

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Moscow State University's Mehmat is no longer an authority on mathematics. They can't see beyond their noses. At one time they declared PNB a heresy, without understanding anything.

I read somewhere that in mathematics in Russia now the top places are occupied by the physics department (MIPT), the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and probably the math department of SPbSU. The Faculty of Mechanics at Moscow State University, they say, is no longer the same.

Fix it.
Aleksey Nikolayev:

By the way, this theorem has not been mentioned on the forum yet this year - we need to fix that)

PNBs are easily converted to sine if needed. Let's compare PNB with the conclusions of Kotelnikov or any other scientist=researcher.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I read somewhere that in mathematics in Russia now the top places are Physics Tech (MIPT), the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and possibly Matmekh (SPbSU). The Faculty of Mechanics at Moscow State University, they say, is no longer the same.

Their priority is to solve problems for schoolchildren and students. There I noticed only one real scientist-mathematician with the nicknamemuseum.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

PNBs are easily converted to sine if required. Let's compare PNB with the conclusions of Kotelnikov or any other scientist=researcher.

For example, with Boyle-Marriott's law

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Their priority is to solve problems for schoolchildren and students. There was only one real mathematical scientist I noticed there. I'll give you his last name when I remember it.

This is quite usual for the USSR/Russia - we have scientists sitting in research institutes. The main research institute for mathematics in Russia is the glassworks (MIAN).

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Why not?) Take two sine waves spread out vertically and throw away all ticks that are not between them. That's it. You can trade, you just need to choose them so that there will be more ticks between them at least on history.)

A lot of people trade that way )). They go in, sit tight, wait for the price to come back. Sometimes they don't )).

Алексей Тарабанов:

For example, with Boyle-Marriott's law


Алексей Тарабанов:

Boyle-Marriott's law, for example

In my clinic, jokes have to be made very carefully )).