Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 15


The phenomenon and its description have no connection. Axiom. The connection is only through perception.

Intelligence is a word interpreted differently at different times by different groups. An amoeba makes a phenomenon / event - a scientist describes it. A person comes to a therapist and what he mumbles, the psychter determines his intelligence in his gradations. Software has algorithms, brain has physical/chemical reactions. The software and the hard computer tries to catch up with the brain's behaviour through algorithms that have been visually or logically first identified, well or the GA has accidentally found)_.

And we still have a long way to go. But there are advances. But each movement is a separate topic, not easily accessible to one person)))))) And there are experts on the separation of movements))))))))))

To be able to judge one should understand the movements, there are not many of them in principle - detection, prediction and probability. And so they are divided into thousands of directions and millions of implementations. And AI is just an advertising driver. A shovel is a shovel. An Indian would understand what a shovel is. And what is AI as you understand it, the probability that the person from the neighboring university will understand it is small.

Robot hoover with AI has learned to turn itself off after 15 minutes)))))))

Alexsandr San:

There isn't one! There's just an indicator - to which you set the program.

Alexander, you do realize that this is pure suggestion, don't you? Since I generally trade manually, this suggestion is totally irrelevant. :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

Alexander, you do realise that this is pure indoctrination, don't you? And since I'm a manual trader in general, this suggestion is completely incompetent. :)

Robot hoover with AI learned to shut itself off after 15 minutes)))))))

What do you think - did it turn itself off or was it commanded to do so by a human?


i don't argue that intelligence will be available in the near future, but it needs to be paralleled and able to recognize an object as an object

I step away for five minutes and you're already talking. All right, I'll read it.
Alexsandr San:

Robot hoover with AI has learned to turn itself off after 15 minutes)))))))

do you think it turned itself off or was a human command given?

Yeah, that's SkyNet's biggest headache. When to turn off the robot hoover :-) Want me to tell you a shortened tidbit????


But there is a BUT and it is the CHINESE. Ask why????

Just ask... I'm waiting for.....

Alexsandr San:

Robot hoover with AI has learned to turn itself off after 15 minutes)))))))

do you think it turned itself off or was it commanded to do so by a human?

If the command was given then it's not intelligence, if it took into account US and Russian politics in the owner's mood and decided to leave the room uncluttered because of the owner's mood, then maybe it's an AI. )))))))) But I wouldn't say it's artificial then)))


The phenomenon and its description have no connection. Axiom. The connection is only through perception.

Apparently you miss it.

AI is just an advertising driver.
Alexsandr San:

Robot hoover with AI has learned to turn itself off after 15 minutes)))))))

what do you think - did it shut itself off or was a human command given?

I'm thinking in other directions, Alexander. It's sad to see people outnumbered by hoovers...

Vitaliy Maznev:

I'm thinking in other directions, Alexander. It's sad to see people outnumbered by hoovers...

I'm not surpassed. It's actually cooler than me cleaning my floor :-)
Vitaliy Maznev:

I'm thinking in other directions, Alexander. It's sad to see people outnumbered by hoovers...

Stop swearing, only justifications or facts, even if unsupported or ideas with at least minimal justification))))) The world will be a better place))))