Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 12

Vitaliy Maznev:

I probably do talk a lot, I'll try to make fewer assertions and ask more questions. There is that, I admit it.

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

I will do my part in this discussion.

big plus

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

As humans we know what glass, silicon, iron, water and other physical materials are made of.

We know what we ourselves are made of. We can take it all apart into molecules and atoms.

But there's a stumbling block. We don't know what electricity is.

What it's made of, its structure, you can't see it under a microscope, etc.

Well, yes, Alexander. If you use a microscope to measure and parse the properties of electricity, it goes a long way and for a long time, there's no argument.

There is an opinion that electricity is energy. A form of energy. It's probably not made up of molecules, so there's not much point in approaching it from that angle. On the other hand, electricity has been measured, generated and used even for domestic needs. Besides it was found out that the same neurons transmit information through energy impulses manifested among other things in electromagnetic component.

I have a question to you: what data is missing about electricity and for what purposes? What do you think it is necessary to know about the electricity? What is unknown? And what does this have to do with AI?

Aleksei Stepanenko:

I probably do talk a lot, I'll try to make fewer assertions and ask more questions. There is that, I admit it.

I'm not trying to argue or rebuke. I don't mean to say less and ask more. But it's definitely worth digging a little deeper before jumping to conclusions. You're young, but you already have so many perceived barriers... With such self-reflexivity, how can you even live in this already limited human society? :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

I have a question for you: What data is missing about electricity and for what purposes? What do you think you need to know about electricity? What is unknown? And what does this have to do with AI?

I have a counter question for you.

What defines YOU? Exactly as a person. Meat, fluids, bones, gray matter in the head?

Or maybe it's the electrical processes in your head that define your self?

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

I have a counter question for you.

What defines YOU as a person? The meat, the fluids, the bones, the gray matter in your head?

Or maybe it's the electrical processes in your head that define your self?

The question just isn't quite right. None of the above is the mental self if we are talking specifically about awareness and perception. Nevertheless, the CNS is also diagnosed through electromagnetic fluctuations with encephalograms. And by the same methods one can influence the being. There are even entire scientific fields devoted to adjustments and manipulation of the psyche and reflexes. I.P. Pavlov, I.V. Smirnov, Jose Delgado, and many others have dealt with this.

If you are looking for an answer to the question "where is the psychic self located?", I would answer it this way: the psychic self is in the sphere of energy. The being has not only a physical (organic) component but also an energetic form. And the aforementioned scientists and developers, in principle, proceeded approximately from this. They were manipulating reflexes, nerves and psyche by means of electromagnetic impulses, radiations, etc.

If anything is not clear, or not fully expressed, please ask.

Nikolai Karetnikov:


if your English is good, I recommend Alex Friedman's youtube channel.

In a nutshell, the term AI has been taken apart by marketers, there are mobile phone cameras with AI, facial recognition systems are also AI, MFPs with AI identify the type of document being scanned (order, memo, invoice, etc., etc.). Here is another impressive example of the use of narrow AI from Google Sberbank recently had a similar phone alert service for special offers.

Narrow AI has not surprised anyone for a long time. There is no breakthrough in broad artificial intelligence or General AI and it is not expected.

Thanks for the link. Lots of videos, I'll be exploring the content consistently.

On the subject: as of today, there is no AI in a global sense. There is a certain software complex performing individual functions of intelligence, consisting of several special building blocks: thematic, structured databases (they are also knowledge bases or knowledge graphs), human language interpreter transforming human requests into programming calls of internal functionality or information, with returning to the user in whole, block form, without reduction of expression and generalisation of meaning. In other words the user always receives beforehand prepared, unchanged text or speech. Linguistic operator of enquiries (language processor NLP) - has text or speech interface and transforms speech into commands, but can not convert back its data into different linguistic forms using their compression with preservation of meaning. Therefore, chatbots are very inefficient in call centres. Numerous types of them use one or two common technologies in the most different applications that are current in the market nowadays. There are also neural networks (which I haven't figured out yet), but their principle can be easily described as well.

What is missing at the moment? - An analogue of the thought process modulated in software. Why not? - Because no one understands this process well - it is extraordinarily complex and contradictory, which confuses developers. It's like grasping and accurately describing the structure of a plunging Niagara Falls stream while watching it for hours on end. It's the same with human thinking - an endless whirlpool of thoughts in which it's difficult to understand and grasp the patterns.

I am happy to say that a major breakthrough in AI is coming soon, and it will be a "thinking" AI. I am convinced that it is possible to unravel the thinking algorithm.

Реter Konow:

What is missing today? - An analogue of the thought process modulated in the software. Why not? - Because no one really understands it- it's extraordinarily complex and contradictory.

I wonder for myself, what exactly is complicated about the thinking process? Especially in the process of thinking that society suffers from. I am not a coder. I can imagine certain difficulties in writing code. But fundamentally I can't identify any difficulties regarding thinking. Help with that.


I have not found anything to argue with. I have to agree that the speed of development of AI depends on people's interest and the hype around the topic. However, this technology is system-forming, which means that, like computers, mobile phones and atomic technology, it will become an integral part of civilisation and will "prosthetics" an incredible number of human functions. There is no escape from this "mirror", because man's very existential mission is self-consciousness, while AI is its physical embodiment.

Vitaliy Maznev:

I wonder for myself, what exactly is difficult about the thought process? Especially in the process of the kind of thinking that society suffers from. I am not a coder. I can assume certain difficulties in writing code. But fundamentally I can't identify any difficulties regarding thinking. Help with that.

I can hardly help - I don't understand it myself very well yet. All I know is that the thinking algorithm exists and we are intelligent because it IS.