Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 6


И здесь опять же присутствуют два фактора: 1) Питание 2) Избегание света. Эти два фактора разумеется работали в совокупности и амеба старалась как могла достичь оптимальных для себя условий. Как любое другое существо, которое ощущает и переживает.

By the way, this is a combination that can be programmed without the use of live material. And it is not much more complicated (in my opinion, of course) than using an amoeba for this purpose.

It is possible to distribute, for example, instead of nutrient mass, a certain energy background, to which nanobots will react. At the same time, we can give them a second task: to avoid another alternative background.

Реter Konow:

So what you are saying is that AI as an idea is a product of a growing technology market, and like any of its products, will sooner or later become a thing of the past when the attention and interest in it wanes? And consequently, no one will invest a dime in AI development because market "donors" will cool down, just as they once cooled down to fly to the moon?

That's an interesting view. Haven't looked at the question from that angle.

Hype goes away - AI dies?))
Well, yes, it is complex behaviour, and it will not be repeated exactly the next time. This is the difference between a living being and a programme.

I don't know what to say to that. I need to think about it...

Aleksei Stepanenko:
Well yes, it is a complex behaviour, and it will not repeat itself exactly the next time. This is the difference between a living being and a program.

If you reread and reproduce the above example in your mind, you will basically understand that it depends on the tasks and tools. If you replace the amoeba with nanobots, their behaviour will also not repeat itself, as it will generate its behaviour based on the situation.

Реter Konow:

I don't know what to say to that. I'll have to think about...

What's there to object to? Ask what finger Zeland got that out of. If his finger...

Vitaliy Maznev:

If you replace the amoeba with nanobots

So what controls nanobots?

Aleksei Stepanenko:

So what controls the nanobots?

A program. And it can be downloaded directly into them and then they will work autonomously. Or you can synchronize them wirelessly and adjust them in real time. Then it will be not an autonomous network but interactive one :)

There are only two tasks here. And both are simple: 1) To follow and absorb one background, 2) To avoid a second background.

How will one programme cause a difference in action? What is required is to obtain a constant variety in the choices available.


Looking at nature, we have copied the neuron and the genetic algorithm. Those are the things that produce conscious diversity. But here's an amoeba showing that you can do it without a neuron. Could this be the third option? Let us, Vitaly, come up with a software analogue.