Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 3

I believe that the technical potential of applying NS to AI design and layout is almost exhausted. New approaches and directions are needed for a meaningful step forward, because even the simplest life forms on Earth have complex neural networks (controlling nerve nodes), but do not possess an Intelligence at all. Something else is needed for Intelligence to emerge...
Реter Konow:
Earths have complex neural networks (controlling nerve nodes), but no Intelligence at all. Something else is needed for Intelligence to emerge...

Let's go from the end: what do you see as the fundamental obstacles to AI in what you call intelligence?

The problem with ns and ii is their name. There is a problem with association, there is no logic, and world domination is as far away as Alpha Centauri. Mankind needed a hammer for information, so they invented it.
Реter Konow:
but they don't have Reason at all. It takes something else for Reason to emerge...
They have intelligence, to a certain extent. If you observe Koko the monkey, you can see that he understands what is wanted from him, but he does it through force. He is just lazy to do it, but he can. There are other examples of intelligence in other animals.
Aleksei Stepanenko:
Possess intelligence, to a certain extent. If you observe Koko the monkey, you can see that he understands what is wanted from him, but he does it by force. He is just lazy to do it, but he can. There are other examples of intelligence in other animals.

Well, Peter was talking about the simplest forms of life there. As for intelligence in the social sense, it is a moot point there. Microbes probably engage in logical fluctuations to a limited extent, if at all.

Vitaliy Maznev:

Let's go from the end: what do you see as the fundamental obstacles to AI in what you call intelligence?

Today's AI only performs functions that generate revenue for its creators. It is a commercial product used by business. That is what limits its development. Companies move it into commercial niches in advance and do not model general cognitive processes, stifling and impoverishing the implementation of AI. This is one of the obstacles. That is, the commercial feasibility of development dictates the direction of research and applications, and inhibits the arrival of real AI technology.

The problem with ns and ii is their name. Associations are a problem, no logic, world domination is as far away as Alpha Centauri. Mankind needed a hammer for information, so they invented it.

Before, I would have totally agreed, but now I can't...((( The AI is close and I can 'feel' it.

Vitaliy Maznev:

Well there Peter was talking about the simplest forms of life.

It doesn't matter. Creatures without neurons have intelligence. Peculiar, but broadly speaking, it's intelligence.
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Нейросеть с амёбой решили задачу коммивояжера для 8 городов
Решения задачи коммивояжера, полученные вычислительной системой на основе амёбы. Примеры туров коммивояжёра по четырём, пяти, шести, семи и восьми городам, полученные в экспериментах, где каждый тур окрашен в красный цвет на соответствующих каналах с правого рисунка. Левые панели показывают переданные светлые изображения начальных состояний...
Реter Konow:

Modern AI performs only those functions that generate revenue for its creators. It is a commercial product used by businesses. This limits its development. Companies start moving it into commercial niches in advance and do not model general cognitive processes, which constrains and impoverishes the implementation of AI. This is one of the obstacles. That is, - commercial feasibility of development dictates the direction of research and applications.

If we speak of commercial expediency, only those technologies that are no longer worthy of being spared are released into wide consumption. And they do it in such a way, that not to develop social horizons, but on the contrary to screw them up. But do you see only commercial expediency? Can there be other aims?

And in essence, I wasn't referring to social obstacles, I was referring to fundamental things that AI cannot be controlled by at all. I only know of one such parameter. But there is no way in principle that it can prevent an AI from being superior to a human in intelligence, power, speed and more.

Vitaliy Maznev:

When it comes to commercial viability, only those technologies that are no longer worth the trouble are released for wide consumption. And they do it in such a way that not only do not develop social horizons, but on the contrary, they screw them up. But do you see only commercial expediency? Can there be other aims?

And in essence, I wasn't referring to social obstacles, I was referring to fundamental things that AI cannot be controlled by at all. I only know of one such parameter. But there is no way in principle it can prevent an AI from being superior to a human in intelligence, power, speed and more.

I was talking about the obstacles to AI development. The fixation on commercial gain hinders the branching out of research into the mind and psyche in companies that work in the IT field. That is, they're creating product to recoup their investment and think about it first, and the product is always limited to user demand. Consequently, from a business plan perspective, the long and futile invention of the real Mind is pointless in the current moment and should be abandoned.

As for the fundamental limitations of AI - it's too early to talk about that now, as it doesn't exist yet... But, there will undoubtedly be limitations. - These are higher mental functions such as love, loyalty, self-sacrifice for a higher purpose... It is unlikely that an AI would be capable of that.