The idea has been plaguing me for a long time. - page 9

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'llstart on Monday.Today and tomorrow is a day off.

I've already promised Nikitin from Monday and I'll promise you from Monday too.

It's been two Mondays, I'll have a third.

Where's the signal gone, why isn't the direct link available?

Oh yes, the waves didn't match for two weeks.

Yeah, it happens.


Throw that theory out the window - it doesn't work.

Uladzimir Izerski:

The information field is a flood of political, economic news, all kinds of rumours and assumptions. Some of it is bound to be false, irrelevant and meaningless.

For those who possess reliable information not available to others, time is running out until everyone knows about it.

The point. Ahead of its time, not a time travel machine).

Vladimir, the price takes into account all the information we need and sufficient information about the trading process, don't clog your brains with unnecessary "information flow".

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It's been two Mondays - there will be a third.

Where has the signal gone, why is the direct link unavailable?

Ah yes, the waves didn't match for two weeks.

Yeah, well, it happens.


Throw that theory out the window - it doesn't work.

You should know that the signal is hiding from the showcase if the gain exceeds 30% , 90 all the more so. What's the point of me keeping it if no one can see it?

Everyone is already fed up with this monitoring and signal. I will open it again on Monday for the non-believers.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It's a natural phenomenon and the market is man's control.

Someone with a few yards will have a bad dream, cash in some tesla's shares and the price will run down without drawing the fictional 4th wave.

But it is not a problem for a super-drawer, he can always draw the waves he needs, thus the fifth wave, after which there was a reversal, will appear. WAS, you see, it was there and it shows in the history!

The question has already been asked: Where will the price go at this point in time?

All the drawers perfectly explain the position on the history.

There is no sense to talk about any waves, oversold/oversold, they do not exist!

There is a current state of the market with certain risks/prospects.

Right, it is enough to analyse the current market condition on the basis of at least 4 nearest bars, then you need to look for the optimal sample size.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Vladimir, the price takes into account all the information we need and sufficient information about the trading process, don't clog your brains with unnecessary "information flow".

To each his own.

One price is not enough for me.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Someone with a few yards will have a bad dream, cash in some tesla stock and run the price down without ever drawing the fictional 4th wave.

It doesn't happen that way. In the history of markets it hasn't and never will. The market, or Nature in a larger sense, will line up and comb everything with its own comb. Any incoming influences will line up in a particular pattern. Like molecules randomly bombarding cold glass - but the result is a beautiful pattern. And you can find thousands of similar phenomena in the life around you. As long as there is no understanding of the processes taking place, and there is the very common misconception that you have voiced, nothing will work. In terms of coming up with something to make money in this market. Because to do so you need at least a little understanding of what is going on.

They say that when Soros has to pee, he gets up and foolishly looks into the terminal and sells something. How do you take this into account and predict it? This is how you can ask if you do not understand the phenomenon you are facing.


They may want not to write, even if they have drunk a bucket of Pepsicola before. If he does not want to draw the necessary wave on the chart. He won't look into the terminal and sell anything there. :))) It's not possible. Your, Soros', and my desires to pee also make up a "wave" and fractally fit into another wave :))). There's no getting away from it, that's how the universe works. Soros' phone will fail, the computer will malfunction, the lights will go out, the backup generator will shut down, and the electrician on duty will choke on a bagel. Anything to sell it, but you can't sell it.

You could also look at The Master and Margarita, or read it again. There is a good question in there: "What do you think governs a man?


It doesn't work like that. There have never been markets in history and there never will be. The market, and more broadly Nature, will line up and comb everything with its comb. Any incoming influences will line up in a particular pattern. Like molecules randomly bombarding cold glass - but the result is a beautiful pattern. And you can find thousands of similar phenomena in the life around you. As long as there is no understanding of the processes taking place, and there is the very common misconception that you have voiced, nothing will work. In terms of coming up with something to make money in this market. Because to do so you need at least a little understanding of what is going on.

They say that when Soros has to pee, he gets up and foolishly looks into the terminal and sells something. How do you take this into account and predict it? This is how you can ask if you do not understand the phenomenon you are facing.


They may want not to write, even if they have drunk a bucket of Pepsicola before. If he does not want to draw the necessary wave on the chart. He won't look into the terminal and sell anything there. :))) It is not possible. Your, Soros', and my desires to pee also make up a "wave" and fractally fit into another wave :))). There's no getting away from it, that's how the universe works. Soros' phone will fail, the computer will malfunction, the lights will go out, the backup generator will short out, and the electrician on duty will choke on a bagel. Anything to sell it, but you can't sell it.

You could also look at The Master and Margarita, or read it again. There is a good question in there: "What do you think governs a man?


This is a strong and clear question. But not many people want to hear about it. It hurts their ego.

Vladimir Baskakov:
Vova, where will the euro go, you prognosticator?

When was the last interest rate on the eve and when will it be?

There wasn't one in November.

Well and observe what is being done before and when the rate is announced.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Someone with a few yards will have a bad dream, cash in some tesla stock and run the price down without ever drawing a fictional 4th wave.


In my interpretation there is no 4th or 5th wave as in Adverse's imposed tactics.

There is a current wave with quite clear logic of behavior, confirmed by the pattern.

I wanted to explain it to everyone, but after the humiliating attitude I have changed my mind.

Uladzimir Izerski:

There is a current wave with a perfectly understandable logic of behaviour, confirmed by the pattern.

I used to want to explain it to everyone, but after the boorish attitude to me I changed my mind.

I would very much like to see and read about the confirming pattern.

//Even if it is a grail, statistically only 1% of traders will use the information obtained, because the internet is flooded with "grails" and because of this people have information overload)