Using OpenCV to recognize graphic patterns - page 3

Uladzimir Izerski:

It is possible without libraries and without NS. The indicator instantly recognizes and numbers up to 9999 patterns. More is possible, but there is no need in so many.

What kind of monster is this?

Face recognition is amazing, of course. But it is not a fact that the method of face recognition is suitable for recognizing patterns on the chart. Correlation is not bad at recognizing them either, depending on what comparison threshold to use, and something else. The problem is that correlation "sees" a bit differently than a human. We need a method that matches the way a person sees. They found such a method with face recognition (unless you consider that it hasn't gotten any further than movies, and everything is exaggerated in movies).

Of course it would be interesting to ponder and experiment... But who here would be able to come up with any valid thesis?

All the tasks are solved by convolutional nets at a time of two. Everything rests on the partitioning of the data for training. But who will do it, I'm not sure that there are many who want to do it. If there are, you can get the software here.
Специалист по разметке данных
Специалист по разметке данных
  • 2001.04.18
Сегодня замечательный день (if you know what I mean), чтобы анонсировать нашу новую программу — Специалист по разметке данных. На текущий момент в сфере искусственного интеллекта сложилась такая ситуация, при которой для обучения сильной нейронной сети нужны несколько компонентов: железо, софт и, непосредственно, данные. Много данных. Железо...
I haven't found the brave ones yet... it's quite complicated, especially the markup of the data, and the whole process of automating it in general.
Please advise me, I have a specific task. It's probably very simple, but I'm not in the loop. It is necessary to recognize numbers on binary options sites, at least. The names of currency pairs are also desirable. I need it for a clicker robot.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Please, advise me, I have a particular task. I think it is very simple, but I am not in the subject. I should recognize the numbers on binary options sites at least. The names of currency pairs are also desirable. I need it for a clicker robot.

arbitrator )

this is OpenCV - the library from the 1st post

it is used in one popular software for binary arbitrage

i do not know the details, i only know what i know

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

arbitrator )

this is OpenCV - the library from the 1st post

it is used in one popular software for binary arbitrage

I don't know details, I only know what I know.

Aha, oops, I'll have a look. By the way, I'm not an arbitrator, I'm a scalper guts cutter for forex.