1200 subscribers!!! - page 29

Marat Khabiev:
Aleksey, cite our post/posts where we are trying to "dump" a rival. Maybe we made an error somewhere. Please, find such posts.
They have 1000+ subscribers and not allowed into the top because they mislead subscribers, which, by the way, is a branch including.
Alexey Kozitsyn:

It is very funny to read your comments here, comrade! IMHO, it really is you who is choking on bile the most.

And most importantly, so many pounces on the provider of the signal under discussion)) While completely ignoring your own unsubstantiated and stupid statements.

But... go on, keep it up!)

I'll let you and others like you in on my little secret.

I'm attracted to intrigues and fights. I am interested in the precedent itself, in the reactions to it from different sides. I'm interested in people as such.

In this case--the signal under discussion--is that precedent, and the attention to it is what creates the intrigue and brawl that I'm interested in.

As I don't broadcast my trade, this signal is not a competitor to me and it doesn't affect my business in any way.

But my statements are being read. And this is what is important to me. Some people agree, some do not. Some find them sensible, some find them absurd. I respect every opinion.

1. for some reason nobody evaluated the quality...
and the maximum drawdown for these 1-1.5 months was less than 5%. it means that subscribers made more profit than the drawdown (remember 1.5 years ago subscribers were 2 times less)... that is, to call them "the crowd" who subscribe to the wrong - was wrong.

2. there was a statement that each deal has a slippage of 150 pips on average.
As far as I understand, there is double copying and trades are copied quite well. it means that subscribers with single copying are not worse.

3. Many people here are calling for justice... they talk about unfairness... but what should I call it?

I can also tell you about such a problem
Yesterday someone (introduced himself as a girl) in Skype began to ask about my trading ... the risks ...
If i understand correctly, then this person (introducing herself as a girl) started asking about my trading risks in skype.
If I understand correctly, this broker copies my strategy for his clients, bypassing MQL service (and therefore bypassing me).

If i understand correctly, then this broker copies my strategy to his clients via the MQL service (and therefore bypasses me).
I don't know how to solve it.
Marat Khabiev:
He also does not allow those who have 1000+ subscribers into the top, otherwise he misleads subscribers, which, by the way, includes a branch.
If you were in his place, you would have a completely different opinion. So it is useless to talk about it, if the criteria for correctness are not static, if the condition changes. And having dozens of signals with a DC allowing an infinite number of them is an open door to manipulation.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Let me tell you and others like you my little secret.

I am amused by intrigues and fights. I am interested in the precedent itself, in the reactions of the various parties to it. That is, I'm interested in people as such.

In this case--the signal in question--is that precedent, and paying attention to it just creates the kind of intrigue and brawl I'm interested in.

As I don't broadcast my trade, this signal is not a competitor to me and it doesn't affect my business in any way.

But my statements are being read. And this is what is important to me. Some people agree, some do not. Some find them sensible, some find them absurd. I respect any opinion.

Okay, then this thread, as I understand it, is maintained by you for the sake of intrigue and a fight?
Taras Gonchar:
2. There was a statement that each trade has a slippage of 150 pips on average.

There is no need to pretend that there was no discussion of this statement with the developers.

It means that subscribers who copy individually are doing the same.

This conclusion is logical only in relation to

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

1200 subscribers!!!

fxsaber, 2017.01.19 11:38

It's easy to explain

0.94× 4434
0.88× 1576
0.93× 2429
1.28× 429
Marat Khabiev:
Yuri, read not just one of my posts, but several posts in a row in a chain of communication with other participants.


Marat, but I just read it as an independent thought and I didn't like it.

Alexey Kozitsyn:
Okay, then this thread, as I understand it, you support for the sake of intrigue and a fight?

Alexei! And a good healthy fight is really very interesting.

Take any movie - what kind of westerns will you watch if it doesn't have a good fight!

Marat Khabiev:
Read not just one of my posts, but several posts in a row in a chain of communication with other participants.

Okay, let's take your first post in this thread.

That's a valid point. And the more subscribers the more new ones will come and that's utopia. The flaw in the rating calculation. And further provider will simply trade with less and less profitability, just not to kill the previous results, but live at the expense of subscribers and this will continue as long as either the subscribers in the mass will leave him, or until the administration will not show action in changing the rating formation.

Oh my god, it's a mistake to calculate! If you had 1000+ subscribers in your signal (which you really want) you would talk differently. Conclusion - the merger of competitors under the pretext of "flaw in the calculation. But you are looking only to yourself and to "that guy with 1000+ subscriptions". And you don't take MQ's interests into account at all. And their interests are that if people come here and spend money - everything is correct and, as I remember, here already @Renat Fatkhullin said that the rating is calculated as it should be.
Taras Gonchar:
I have to say that the quality was not evaluated...
It means that the subscribers have made more profit than the drawdown (remember, 1.5 years ago subscribers were twice less)... it means it was wrong to call them a "crowd" which is subscribed to the wrong place.

2. there was a statement that each deal has a slippage of 150 pips on average.
As far as I understand, there is double copying and trades are copied quite well. it means that subscribers with single copying are not worse.

3. Many people here are calling for justice... they talk about unfairness... but what should I call it?

I can also tell you about a problem
Yesterday someone (introduced himself as a girl) in Skype began to ask about my trading ... the risks ...
The problem may also be that yesterday the person (who introduced herself as a girl in Skype) started asking questions about my trades and the risks.
If I understand correctly, this broker copies my strategy for his clients, bypassing MQL service (and therefore bypassing me).

If i understand correctly, then this broker copies my strategy to his clients via the MQL service (and therefore bypasses me).
I don't have any variants to solve it.
I have no way to solve it. I cannot discuss signals in the branches, neither yours, nor the other signals that you are trying to evaluate here.

For information (I just don't want to purge the thread again).