GOLD, Gold and XAUUSD - page 56


Can I...



commodity markets.

sounds a bit panicky .

Gold is not tasty.

But it's always more valuable than corn or fuel oil, and it doesn't go bad over the years.


It's just numbers...I suggest thinking about water ))) the calculation would be quicker and clearer

Having gold, you can buy water.

But water, on the other hand, spoils over time and doesn't keep for long. It is not a means of savings.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

If you have gold, you can buy water.

But water, on the other hand, spoils over time and does not keep for long. It's not a means to save money.

45 million bipeds are in danger of starvation. (thirst)


I'm looking at this picture - you can see it wants to go down. But most likely it will be the other way round, as it usually is.

( I now have the ability to insert pictures)

( But the picture is not the same as everyone else's for some reason!?)

How do you know if it wants to go down? There are several directions at once, trends, get up wherever you want.

Uladzimir Izerski:

The situation in the world wants to be better, for how much worse.

Money will soon be printed through the roof and precious metals will easily be bought at a high price.

Papers may have zero value, but metal will remain in value. Not paper metal, of course, which the clever heads have created.

that's my point - they can't park that bad money in the cache - it eats itself... if it were that simple - gold would have gone for 20,000 a long time is printed in america, and retail goes more to India and China and then, the investment should give a return above inflation...and the metal is needed... Metal is needed, it's not needed at all - only bread....that's why the bitcoin is not growing, even though soothsayers promised it to reach 60,000 for a while...)) it may go up for a short time, but it will be dumped at an attractive price by the ton ... as analysts say - "an equilibrium level has been reached - the top can not, and the bottom do not want to"...))


45 million bipeds face starvation. (thirsty)

Сергей Криушин:

that's my point - they can't park that bad money in the cache - it eats itself... If it were that simple - gold would have gone for 20,000 a long time is printed in America, and retail is more in India and China and then, the investment should give a return above inflation...and metal is needed... Metal is needed, or it is not needed at all - only bread... that's why the bitcoin is not rising, even though soothsayers promised it to reach 60k for a while...)) it may go up for a short time, but it will be dumped at an attractive price by the ton ... as analysts say - "an equilibrium level has been reached - the top can not, but the bottom does not want to"...))

All over the world, the dollar is a means of savings for the population. But people do not understand that they can be left with mere paper in their hands.

We have been through this before. The example of the USSR. There was more money than there was security for it. Today the same situation is occurring with the dollar. Covid and the revolution in the states will accelerate the process.

Uladzimir Izerski:

There was more money than there was collateral for them. Today, the same situation with the dollar is imminent. Covid and the revolution in the states will accelerate the process.

What collateral are we talking about? All currencies are not backed by anything!

Uladzimir Izerski:

All over the world, the dollar is a means of savings for the population. But the population does not realise that they can be left with mere paper in their hands all at once.

We've been over that before. The example of the USSR. There was more money than there was security for it. Today the same situation is occurring with the dollar. Covid and the revolution in the states will accelerate the process.

I hear today, the heads of all central banks are explicitly saying that from time to time everyone must lose everything to start from scratch again... they are not well-funded - they don't mind losing them, if you ask me they should go to zero now - as long as there is no war... there's gonna be a big fuss about it... and who's going to win... that's for sure everyone will be buying gold and food... for the rainy day of global zeroing... so things will go back to the way they were before the '17 revolution... as long as we don't fall even lower into the past...