Generic Class Library - bugs, description, questions, usage and suggestions - page 3

Alexey Oreshkin:
No. Because this opinion has already been expressed 100 times and here again with his samovar type oop evil etc. have already heard, sick of this opinion.
Well at least your own opinion. At least in something different from the opinion of others...
Vladimir Karputov:

Your opinion is usually a treatise on War and Peace in three volumes. Therefore it is better to refrain.

Note - this is the second request from the moderator.

I see your point.
Vladimir Karputov:

Your opinion is usually a treatise on War and Peace in three volumes. Therefore it is better to refrain.

Note - this is the second request from the moderator.

Come on, let him post. But his opinion must be defended and we will ask him to do it.

Tag Konow:

This is an interesting topic.

Personally, my opinion on the subject is that there is nothing more efficient in programming than the ability to correctly organize data within arrays and correctly work with these arrays in loops. This is the basis of the basics. All other solutions are derivatives, which take additional computer time and create overhead.

Global arrays, local arrays, loops and functions. Everything.

Those, who are skilful masters of these tools, will be ahead of all the others in efficiency.


Peter, your request was heard. So if you want to stay in this thread, prove with your code that you have the right to speak so. Next will be examples of use and performance measurements. I will ask you to perform similar simple tasks your way. Your way should exceed the performance of those which will be published here (or at least remain at the same level).

If you refuse, please don't post in this thread anymore.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Come on, let him post. But his opinion must be defended, and we will ask him to do so.

Apparently, my opinion is painfully received. I'd rather abstain.

People are already sick of it ...)

p.s. I'll try to prove my opinion in a special branch, if you want.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Peter, the application from you was heard. So if you want to stay in this thread prove with your code that you have the right to say so. Next will be examples of use and performance measurements. I will ask you to perform similar simple tasks your way. Your way should exceed the performance of those which will be published here (or at least remain at the same level).

If you refuse, please don't post in this thread again.

I do not refuse. But you can see that I am asked not to write and make warnings.


Hooray, at least some steps in the right direction.
I thought that C++ implementation will be used but after opening I understood that it was C#.

On the one hand it is cool, but on the other hand we can see that MQL doesn't have a lot of features, compared to other languages: neither multiple inheritance, foreach, yeild return, lamb, ...
Obviously IEnumerable is out of the question.

How to handle C# containers without IEnumerable?
We still have the old C++ algorithms and use interfaces instead of pointers to functions.

In the end, we end up with a hodgepodge of C# and C++.
But this is my subjective opinion.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека / Шаблонные коллекции данных
Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека / Шаблонные коллекции данных
Библиотека содержит классы и интерфейсы для определения шаблонных коллекций, которые, в свою очередь, дают пользователю возможность создавать строго типизированные коллекции. Они обеспечивают большее удобство и высокую производительность работы с данными, чем обычные типизированные коллекции.
Tag Konow:

I do not refuse. But you can see that I am asked not to write and make warnings.

You're not getting the context. If you go around in different threads and assert nonsense without evidence, then yes, this is a straight road to the ban. If you are willing to back up your claims with source code, you are welcome. That is why Vladimir warned you, because he himself loves the source code and sometimes even requires it. Look at his own branches for an example.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

You're not getting the context. If you go around in different threads and assert nonsense without evidence, then yes, this is a straight road to the ban. If you are willing to back up your claims with source code, you are welcome. That is why Vladimir warned you, because he himself loves the source code and sometimes even requires it. Look at his own branches for an example.

I am not looking for context in what the moderator said. I was explicitly told "better abstain".

If they say otherwise, I'm ready to try to prove my case by code and if I'm wrong, I admit it.

Sergey Dzyublik:

Hooray, at least some steps in the right direction.
I thought that the C++ implementation will be used, but after opening it became clear that it was С#.

On the one hand it is cool, but on the other hand we can see that MQL doesn't have a lot of features, compared to other languages: neither multiple inheritance, foreach, yeild return, lamb, ...
Obviously IEnumerable is out of the question.

How to handle C# containers without IEnumerable?
We still have the old C++ algorithms and use interfaces instead of pointers to functions.

In the end, we end up with a hodgepodge of C# and C++.
But this is my subjective opinion.

There is no foreach because firstly there is no duck typing and secondly there are no interfaces. The second thing I'd like to stress is that there are no interfaces in MQL5, although the keyword with the same name is present and is even used somehow.