Features of the mql5 language, subtleties and tricks - page 142


In order to reduce the number of optimization overshoots, I use two methods to create a non-linear scale.

To enumerate the duration in hours with sufficient accuracy:

enum eHours { _0, _4, _6, _8, _12, _16, _24, _32, _48, _64, _96, _128 };

input eHours TrendHours = _8;

eHours2Hours(eHours e) {
	switch (e) {
	case _0:	return 0;
	case _4:	return 4;
	case _6:	return 6;
	case _8:	return 8;
	case _12:	return 12;
	case _16:	return 16;
	case _24:	return 24;
	case _32:	return 32;
	case _48:	return 48;
	case _64:	return 64;
	case _96:	return 96;
	case _128:	return 128;
	default:	return -1;

To enumerate, for example, the SAR step with an accuracy of 2 digits (~1%):

// Приводит параметр оптимизации к нелинейному виду
// 001-099 >> 0.0001-0.0099
// 101-199 >> 0.001-0.099
// 201-299 >> 0.10-0.99
// Внимание: коды 000, 100, 200 возвращают 0.0
NonlinPar(int code) {
        int order = code / 100;
        int mod = code - order * 100;
        return mod * MathPow(10, order) / 10000;

Optimising from 0.0001 to 0.99 would require almost 10K steps. Using codes 001-299 in the optimisation would require less than 300 steps.

A way to run into division by zero even with a check.
void OnStart()
  const double Profit = 100;
  const double Lots = 1;

  double TickValue[];  
  ArrayResize(TickValue, 1);
  const double Points = TickValue[0] ? Profit / (Lots * TickValue[0] * _Point) : 0; // zero divide    

The error is clear in fact. But while writing code like this, it is not always obvious that such a check is not enough to avoid division by zero.

An excuse not to use the ternary operator.
An excuse not to use the ternary operator.

For if similar, of course.


Just don't expect that if there is no value, it is necessarily 0 and therefore false if it is not a bool-type variable. Even an explicit conversion to bool type will not save it.

void OnStart()
  const double Profit = 100;
  const double Lots = 1;

  double TickValue[];  
  ArrayResize(TickValue, 1);
  const double Points = TickValue[0] == 0? Profit / (Lots * TickValue[0] * _Point) : 0;   

It works this way without errors.


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Peculiarities of mql5, tips and tricks

Alexey Viktorov, 2019.10.28 10:22

You just don't expect that if there is no value, it is necessarily 0 and therefore false if it is not a bool type variable. Even explicit conversion to bool type will not save.

void OnStart()
  const double Profit = 100;
  const double Lots = 1;

  double TickValue[];  
  ArrayResize(TickValue, 1);
  const double Points = TickValue[0] == 0? Profit / (Lots * TickValue[0] * _Point) : 0;   

It works this way without errors.

There is an error in the highlighted place.
There is an error in the highlighted place.

I can't see the highlight. What is the error?

There is an error in the highlighted place.

You wrote "==", it should be "!=".

It's underlined "very pale yellow" :)

Artyom Trishkin:

You wrote "==", it should be "!="

It's underlined "very pale yellow" :)

Well, not everyone knows I'm like that monkey, "I'm weak in the eyes when I'm old."

I guess so, but for some reason it worked without division by 0. And in general, my message was that we shouldn't check any variable for 0 as a boolean for false.

Alexey Viktorov:

I guess so, but for some reason it worked without division by 0.

Because TickValue is not zero.