Features of the mql5 language, subtleties and tricks - page 141


Guys, this is a very useful thing:

#define  abort(ANY) do{printf("abort, file=%s,  line=%i", __FILE__, __LINE__); Alert(1/(uint)MathAbs(0));}while(false)

Interrupts execution in case of critical error, no destructors will be called (sorry, but at least this way). At least some alternative in absence of standard analogues and exceptions.

Log message:

2019.08.19 21:28:14.364 lrp_last_7 (m_GBPCHF,M1) abort, file=lrp_last_7.mq5, line=299<br / translate="no">2019.08.19 21:28:14.364 lrp_last_7 (m_GBPCHF,M1) zero divide in 'lrp_last_7.mq5' (299,2)

It is a feature of MT5 tester, but I decided to publish it in this thread, because it is indirectly related to this subject.

In order to get to the invisible optimization tab one should select full brute force with no parameters to be optimized.

oops, was wondering how to get this result ))


Templates in function pointers don't work in terms of overloading the return parameter?

template<typename Out>
typedef Out (*Func0)(void);

int Select(void)
   return 10;

void OnStart()
   Func0<int> f = Select;


'<' - unexpected token  TestObj.mq5     24      9
'>' - name expected     TestObj.mq5     24      13

If so:

void OnStart()
   Func0 f = Select;

We have this:

'Select' - cannot resolve function address      TestObj.mq5     15      14
'Select' - type mismatch        TestObj.mq5     15      14
Vasiliy Sokolov:

Templates in function pointers don't work in terms of overloading the return parameter?

Do they work in C++? There is a special topic for such questions


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Libraries: Expert

fxsaber, 2019.09.12 06:17

Unlike MT4, MT5 does not log EA input parameters when it is run or changed. Therefore there is no way to tell from the log what was running in the Terminal.

This function can remedy this situation.

#include <fxsaber\Expert.mqh> // https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/19003

// Выводит данные запущенного советника
string EAToString( const long Chart_ID = 0 )
  string Names[];
  MqlParam Params[];
  const int Flag = EXPERT::Parameters(Chart_ID, Params, Names);
  const int Size = ArraySize(Names);
  string Str = "Expert " + Params[0].string_value + ", expertmode = " + (string)Flag;
  for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
    Str += "\n" + Names[i] + " = " + Params[i + 1].string_value;


input int inInput1 = 1;
input int inInput2 = 2;

int OnInit()


Test8 (EURUSD,M1)       Expert Experts\Test8.ex5, expertmode = 4
Test8 (EURUSD,M1)       inInput1 = 1
Test8 (EURUSD,M1)       inInput2 = 2

SZZ Unfortunately, it does not work for scripts. MT4 itself displays the input parameters of scripts, MT5 does not.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester: bugs, bugs, suggestions for improvement

fxsaber, 2019.09.18 22:32

Getting the latest MT5 Tester settings.

#include <WinAPI\fileapi.mqh>
#include <WinAPI\handleapi.mqh>

// Получает имя файла настроек последнего запуска MT5-Тестера.
string GetTesterINIFileName( ulong &Size )
  string Str = NULL;
  const string Path = ::TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_PATH)+ "\\MQL5\\Profiles\\Tester\\";
  FIND_DATAW FindData;
  const HANDLE handle = kernel32::FindFirstFileW(Path + "*.ini", FindData);
  if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)
    ulong MaxTime = 0;
    Size = 0;
      const ulong TempTime = ((ulong)FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
      if (TempTime > MaxTime)
        MaxTime = TempTime;
        Str = ::ShortArrayToString(FindData.cFileName);
        Size = ((ulong)FindData.nFileSizeHigh << 32) + FindData.nFileSizeLow;;
    while (kernel32::FindNextFileW(handle, FindData));    
  return((Str == NULL) ? NULL : Path + Str);   

#define  GENERIC_READ  0x80000000
#define  SHARE_READ    1
#define  OPEN_EXISTING 3

// Получает настройки последнего запуска MT5-Тестера.
string GetTesterINI( void )
  string Str = NULL;
  ulong Size;
  const string FileName = GetTesterINIFileName(Size);
  if (FileName != NULL)
    const HANDLE handle = kernel32::CreateFileW(FileName, GENERIC_READ, SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
    if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)
      uint Read;
      ushort Buffer[];
      ::ArrayResize(Buffer, (int)Size / sizeof(ushort));
      if (kernel32::ReadFile(handle, Buffer, (int)Size, Read, 0))      
        Str = ::ShortArrayToString(Buffer);


// Советник при запуске одиночного прогона возвращает свои настройки.
input int inInput1 = 1;
input int inInput2 = 2;

int OnInit()
  if (MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER) && !MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION))


2019.04.01 00:00:00   ;Одиночный тест советника: Test9, EURUSD M1, цены открытия, 2019.04.01 - 2019.09.18
2019.04.01 00:00:00   [Tester]
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Expert=Test9.ex5
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Symbol=EURUSD
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Period=M1
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Optimization=0
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Model=2
2019.04.01 00:00:00   FromDate=2019.04.01
2019.04.01 00:00:00   ToDate=2019.09.18
2019.04.01 00:00:00   ForwardMode=0
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Deposit=10000
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Currency=EUR
2019.04.01 00:00:00   ProfitInPips=1
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Leverage=100
2019.04.01 00:00:00   ExecutionMode=0
2019.04.01 00:00:00   OptimizationCriterion=6
2019.04.01 00:00:00   Visual=0
2019.04.01 00:00:00   [TesterInputs]
2019.04.01 00:00:00   inInput1=123||1||1||10||N
2019.04.01 00:00:00   inInput2=2||2||1||20||N


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Scripts: Balance Graph HTML

fxsaber, 2019.09.19 09:56

Converter of text files to MQH.

void ChangeString( string &Str )
  StringReplace(Str, "\\", "\\\\");
  StringReplace(Str, "\"", "\\\"");
  Str = "\"" + Str + "\\r\\n\" + " + "\n";

bool TextFileToMQH( const string FileNameIn, const string FileNameOut )
  const int handleIn = FileOpen(FileNameIn, FILE_READ | FILE_TXT | FILE_ANSI);
  bool Res = (handleIn != INVALID_HANDLE);

  if (Res)  
    const int handleOut = FileOpen(FileNameOut, FILE_WRITE | FILE_TXT | FILE_ANSI);
    if (Res = (handleOut != INVALID_HANDLE))
      FileWriteString(handleOut, "string StrMQH = \n");
      while (!FileIsEnding(handleIn))
        string Str = FileReadString(handleIn);
        FileWriteString(handleOut, Str);

      FileWriteString(handleOut, "NULL;\n");

void OnStart()
  TextFileToMQH("Graph.txt", "Graph.mqh");

Allows you to insert text data into a source

#include <..\Files\Graph.mqh>
Features of ResourceSave
const string ResourceNameFull = ObjectGetString(0, Name, OBJPROP_BMPFILE);
ResourceSave(ResourceNameFull, "test.bmp"); // false

const string ResourceNameShort = StringSubstr(ResourceNameFull, StringFind(ResourceNameFull, "::"));
ResourceSave(ResourceNameShort, "test.bmp"); // true
ResourceSave does not work in the Tester. The alternative is below.
// Сохраняет ресурс в BMP-формате.
bool ResourceSaveBMP( const string ResourceName, const string FileName )
    short Type;
    uint   Size;
    short Reserved1;
    short Reserved2;
    uint   OffBits;
    uint   Size;
    uint   Width;
    uint   Height;
    short Planes;
    short BitCount;
    int   Compression;
    uint   SizeImage;
    int   XPelsPerMeter;
    int   YPelsPerMeter;
    int   ClrUsed;
    int   ClrImportant;
    void Set( void )
      this.Size = sizeof(this);
      this.Planes = 1;
      this.BitCount = 32;
      this.SizeImage = this.Width * this.Height * (this.BitCount >> 3);
  struct BMPHEADER
    void Set( void )

      this.File.Type = 19778;
      this.File.OffBits = sizeof(this);
      this.File.Size = this.Info.SizeImage + this.File.OffBits;
  } BMPHeader = {0};
  uint Data[];  
  bool Res = ResourceReadImage(ResourceName, Data, BMPHeader.Info.Width, BMPHeader.Info.Height);
  if (Res)
    const int handle = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_WRITE | FILE_BIN);
    if (Res = (handle != INVALID_HANDLE))

      uint Picture[];
      const uint Size = ArrayResize(Picture, ArraySize(Data));
      for (uint i = 0; i < Size; i += BMPHeader.Info.Width)
        ArrayCopy(Picture, Data, i, Size - i - BMPHeader.Info.Width, BMPHeader.Info.Width);
      FileWriteStruct(handle, BMPHeader);
      FileWriteArray(handle, Picture);


  ResourceSave(ResourceName, "test.bmp");  
  ResourceSaveBMP(ResourceName, "test2.bmp");