Features of the mql5 language, subtleties and tricks - page 105

template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool More(const T1& first, const T2& second)
   return first > second;

bool More(const MqlTick& first, const MqlTick& second)
   return first.bid > second.bid;

// Простая сортировка
template <typename T1, typename T2> // T2 - по какому правилу сортируем
void Sort( T1 &Array[] )
  const int Size = ArraySize(Array);
  for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
    T2 Min = Array[i];
    int Pos = i;
    for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
      if (More(Min, Array[j]))
        Min = Array[j];
        Pos = j;        
    if (Pos != i)
      Array[Pos] = Array[i];
      Array[i] = Min;
Anyway, I got in a little off-topic
// Возвращает TimeLocal даже в Тестере
datetime GetTimeLocal( void )
  static const bool IsTester = MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER);
  static uint TickCount = 0;
  static datetime InitTimeLocal = 0;
  datetime Res = 0;
  if (IsTester)
    if (InitTimeLocal)
      Res = InitTimeLocal + (GetTickCount() - TickCount) / 1000;
      int Array[];    
      const string FileName = __FUNCTION__;  
      if (FileSave(FileName, Array))
        TickCount = GetTickCount();
        Res = InitTimeLocal = (datetime)FileGetInteger(FileName, FILE_MODIFY_DATE);
    Res = TimeLocal();


void OnInit()

double OnTester()

HH Is there an easier way to find out the local time of the computer in the Tester?



HH Is there an easier way to find out the local time in the Tester?

Through a global variable (GlobalVariableTemp, GlobalVariableTime).

Stanislav Korotky:

Through a global variable (GlobalVariableTemp, GlobalVariableTime).

It will not work.


It won't work.

It's been working for a long time, and it's working fine.

Stanislav Korotky:

It's been working properly for a long time.

Then what am I doing wrong?

datetime GetTimeLocal( const bool FlagDelete = false )
  static const bool IsTester = MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER);
  static const string Name = __FILE__;

  return(IsTester && GlobalVariableTemp(Name) ? GlobalVariableTime(Name) : TimeLocal());

double OnTester()

Then what am I doing wrong?

I suspect the problem is your love of concatenation. try if.


I suspect the problem is your love of laconicization. try if.


datetime GetTimeLocal()
  static const string Name = __FILE__;

  datetime Res = 0;
  if (GlobalVariableTemp(Name))
    Res = GlobalVariableTime(Name);

Doesn't work.



Doesn't work.

It doesn't work because the global variable is emulated with the MT5 Tester. They also use TimeCurrent ().


It doesn't work.

It works for me, as expected...

PS. My mistake - it works in MT4, but doesn't work in MT5.