Features of the mql5 language, subtleties and tricks - page 59


It is the same with the structures - and without unnecessary gestures

I did not check my statement, because I could not even think of such an erroneous design. It's definitely not a bug, but not a feature.

void OnStart()
  // В дебаг-режиме весь цикл выполнится за одно нажатие F10/F11
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) i %= 10;

  // В дебаг-режиме каждый шаг цикла/тела потребует нажатий F10/F11
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    i %= 10;
Shouldn't you write in the SD? The behavior should not depend on formatting.
sinput string s1 = NULL;
const  string s2 = NULL;

void OnStart()
  Print(s1 == NULL); // false
  Print(s2 == NULL); // true

Kind of likesinput does not write to string variables.?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Isn'tsinput written on string variables?

For string variables it makes no difference: input or sinput.

By the way, the enum inputparameters of EAs can be optimized.
By the way, the enum inputparameters of EAs can be optimized.
Normal integer format, should it be different?
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Normal integer format, should it be otherwise?

They don't use GUI tools to set the pitch.


They don't use the GUI to set the pitch.

I don't know what GUI you're talking about, but you can set the start and stop fields in the parameters tab of the tester window. And the tester correctly determines the number of parameter values.