Features of the mql5 language, subtleties and tricks - page 13

Cleaned it up a bit.
@Artyom Trishkin, maybe for the clarity of this topic in the first post in the form of links to posts to add people's proposed solutions? So as not to rummage through ten pages, but to see, so to speak, the table of contents.
Alexander Fedosov:
@Artyom Trishkin, may be, for clarity of this topic in the first post, to add the solutions suggested by people in the form of links to posts? That not to search through ten pages, and to see, so to say, the table of contents.

This will not work - posts older (I do not remember exactly) I think the three days are no longer allowed to edit. I think how to do - whether to create a separate branch FAQ on the features and methods of solving certain problems in the form of a question and answer, and in this thread is to discuss and think about methods of solving these problems, or else somehow. But that it will be necessary to create then the quintessence of this branch - "this is unequivocal" (c) ...

While there is no exact understanding of how to make it better and more convenient. But it's definitely necessary to do it, and I plan to do it naturally.

Artyom Trishkin:

This will not work - posts older (I do not remember exactly) I think the three days are no longer allowed to edit. I think how to do - whether to create a separate branch FAQ on the features and methods of solving certain problems in the form of a question and answer, and in this thread is to discuss and consider how to solve these problems, or else somehow. But that it will be necessary to create then the quintessence of this branch - "this is unequivocal" (c) ...

While there is no exact understanding of how to make it better and more convenient. But definitely need to do it, and I plan to, of course.

I at once suggested to you and I'll repeat it again: to delete all discussions from this branch or to make such a format: a decision + a link to discussion. But the discussion must be separate. All of the off-topic - delete immediately. Posts that do not make sense - also delete. In the first post (if possible) in BIG RED letters write that this branch of DECISIONS!

Here out of 13 pages of decisions - a maximum of 2-3.

Artyom Trishkin:

This will not work - posts older (I do not remember exactly) I think the three days are no longer allowed to edit. I think how to do - whether to create a separate branch FAQ on the features and methods of solving certain problems in the form of a question and answer, and in this thread is to discuss and consider how to solve these problems, or else somehow. But that it will be necessary to create then the quintessence of this branch - "this is unequivocal" (c) ...

While there is no exact understanding of how to make it better and more convenient. But it's definitely necessary to do it, and I plan to do it, of course.

Thought moderators can.
Alexey Kozitsyn:

I immediately suggested to you and I will repeat it again: delete all discussions from this thread or make this format: decision + link to the discussion. But the discussion must be separate. All off-topic - delete immediately. Posts that do not make sense - also delete. In the first post (if possible) in BIG RED letters write that this branch of DECISIONS!

There are at most 2-3 decisions out of 13 pages.

I think the decision process is as important as the decision itself. In this branch I will clean up only obviously unnecessary posts. When this thread is a bit full of problems and their solutions, create a finished branch FAQ, which just everything will be in the format you suggest, and links to solutions will lead to this branch along with the already shown decision in the branch FAQ - you can always see the source of that decision, and links to the authors of each solution.

I see it this way.

Alexander Fedosov:

Thought moderators might.
"Daddy can be anything... Only Mommy can't be" ... Do you remember such a children's song?
Artyom Trishkin:

This will not work - posts older (I do not remember exactly) I think the three days are no longer allowed to edit. I think how to do - whether to create a separate branch FAQ on the features and methods of solving certain problems in the form of a question and answer, and in this thread is to discuss and consider how to solve these problems, or else somehow. But that it will be necessary to create then the quintessence of this branch - "this is unequivocal" (c) ...

While there is no exact understanding of how to make it better and more convenient. But definitely need to do it, and I plan to, of course.

Artem, I thought about it, there was only one way - to constantly update the first post, well, at least a space to insert and save. It did not work for me, because I can disappear for 1-2 weeks.

By the way, I thought moderators have more rights in this regard...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Artem, I thought about it, there was only one way out - constantly update the first post, well, at least a space to insert and save. I did not work, because I can disappear for 1-2 weeks.

By the way, I thought moderators have more rights in this regard...

Already can not correct. So we will discuss here the necessary and useful solutions for these or other problems, and then try to put everything together in a bunch in the form of FAQ

You could write an article or a blog - you could edit and discuss them.

But so far there are few solutions to real problems in this thread. I'm even sure that the conversion from MQL to C++, assembly of the DLL by a compiler from Microsoft or GNU, and encryption of this DLL takes place when compiling the code. Too many "features" confirm this. From the recent past: missing the variable value assignment due to intensive code optimization (classic behavior of C++ compilers).

MQL5 is too crude language in OOP. My SD is full of all sorts of "features" that they do not want to fix.

I doubt that the Metakvoters would like it if we publish our bug reports.

Separators in parameters:

   NOTHING // ===== ===== =====

sinput ENUM_NOTHING z_; // ===== Описание =====
Such a parameter will not affect the continuation of testing after stopping, because the user can't accidentally change it.