Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2870


So I sparred directly from the web terminal of one known forex brokerage centre, just for interest, this brokerage centre by the way is not on the site that I threw earlier.

As it turned out, they update their stock once every +- 5 minutes, which is "often" compared to other DCs, but slow to use....

maybe someone will be interested to see


cool, almost like an inverted RSI.

Keep up the hard work

mytarmailS #:

So I sparred directly from the web terminal the sanction of one known forex brokerage centre, just for interest, this brokerage centre by the way is not on the site that I threw earlier.

As it turned out, they update their stock once every +- 5 minutes, which is "often" compared to other DCs, but slow to use....

maybe someone will be interested to see

It is disconcerting that a price fluctuation of 9% corresponds to a centimento fluctuation of 350%. It is noticeable that the more trendy the price is, the less correlation is expressed.

It would be useful to see a precise description of the algorithm of calculating this indicator.


How to become a trillionaire with ChatGPT and python)

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

How to become a trillionaire with ChatGPT and python)

That's how it works, all you have to do is ask for a 3000% strategy

Another article about ChatGPT. A lot of comments on who plays how)

For some reason I remembered Maryashin's book "God's Robots") I should ask the bot what he thinks about this book).

ChatGPT. Новая парадигма, новый мир. Часть 1 — о профессиях
ChatGPT. Новая парадигма, новый мир. Часть 1 — о профессиях
  • 2022.12.28
3 недели назад я написал инструкцию о том как получить доступ к ChatGPT в России. За это время она неожиданно набрала более 130т просмотров, что показывает явный интерес сообщества к этой теме. За последнее время я собрал достаточно много интересной информации вокруг этой технологии и очень хочу с вами всем этим поделиться. Я являюсь больше...

A symbolic gift for lovers of the MoD

Silver coin - Artificial Intelligence (mac.) - 19. Issuing country - Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Silver coin - Artificial Intelligence (mac.) - 19. Issuing country - Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

It is disconcerting that a price fluctuation within 9% corresponds to a centile fluctuation within 350%. It is noticeable that the trendier the price, the less pronounced the correlation.

It would be useful to see a precise description of the algorithm of calculating this indicator.

Well, they write that it is simply the percentage ratio of open positions to buy and sell.


One interesting pattern can also be highlighted...

Sometimes it happens that the centiment is steadily rising or falling, from the observations we can say that the price should also steadily inversely correlate with the centiment, but it does not happen, the price just stands in flat. We can assume that at these moments there is an accumulation of professional participants at the expense of non-professional ones, and if the hypothesis is correct, we know exactly in which direction the accumulation is going during the accumulation, and not after the fact.

Here is a picture of yesterday and a little bit of the day before yesterday, the picture shows the accumulation that may have caused the price rise both yesterday and today.

I have been observing this for a long time, but on big time frames when I analysed the data from that first site....

Of course, all these are hypotheses, and some people will sarcasm and laugh here, but in fact these people have no hypothesis about the market at all,

but if there is a hypothesis, it can be confirmed or refuted, criticised, looked at the market from its (hypothesis) point of view, etc...

mytarmailS #:
Well, they write that it is just a percentage ratio of open positions to buy and sell.

You have about positions, but in the figure it is about recently opened orders. Orders in the sense of MT4 or MT5? Are all positions taken into account or their recent changes?