Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2377

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I have a 4.0.4 requirement for this bible!

where did you read these requirements?


Where did you read these requirements?

When I ran the script, I got an error that the version required was

Warning message:
пакет ‘glmnet’ был собран под R версии 4.0.4 
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

When running the script, it gave an error that the version required is

Hz here are the requirements

Version:        4.1-1
Depends:        R (≥ 3.6.0), Matrix (≥ 1.0-6)
Imports:        methods, utils, foreach, shape, survival
Suggests:       knitr, lars, testthat, xfun, rmarkdown
Published:      2021-02-21

You must have a version less than 3.6.0


Ahahahaha, the expert comparator ))))

Go on, talk about DSP ))))

Need more facepalms )))))))))))

What's there to argue or argue about... been there, done that.


Hz here are the requirements

You must have a version less than 3.6.0.

I have different versions, but there was 4.0.2.

Can you add the ability to directly download the sample file - file attached? I understand that you need two files for training and for applying the model?

Target "Target_100".
Files:  937 kb
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I have different versions, but there was 4.0.2.

Can you add the ability to directly download the file with the sample - file attached? I understand that you need two files for training and for applying the model?


Are the targets shifted back a step? Or do they need to be shifted?

It looks like it needs to be shifted...

X <- read.csv2("C:\\Users\\..........\\Desktop\\test.csv")
Y <- X$Target_P
X <- as.matrix(within(X, rm("Time","Target_P","Target_100",
Y <- c(Y[-1],1)

tr <- 1:1000 #  train idx

best_lam <- cv.glmnet(x = X[tr,], 
                      y = Y[tr],alpha = 1, 
                      lambda = 10^seq(2, -2, by = -.1), 
                      nfolds = 5)$lambda.min

lasso_best <- glmnet(x = X[tr,], y = Y[tr], alpha = 1, lambda = best_lam)
pred <- predict(lasso_best, s = best_lam, newx = X[-tr,])

pred2 <- c(sign(pred))
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  -1   1
        -1 215 142
        1   76 128
               Accuracy : 0.6114      

The usual junk, like everything else...


Are the targets moved back a step? Or do they need to be moved?

This is a ready sample, you don't need to move anything.

You just need to filter the columns.

Time Target_P
Target_100_Buy Target_100_Sell
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It's a ready sample, you don't have to move anything.

Did you move it?

Did you move it again?


Did you shift?

Why would I shift, I have predictors written on the event, when the next event occurs, the result is written to the previous line, including in the form of a class.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Why do I need to shift, I have predictors written on the event, when the next event occurs, the result is written to the previous line, including in the form of a class.

I do not know what you're there and how you write it, it's yours, but I need to know that in the Target value from the future one step relative to the sample, THIS IS IT or NOT?