Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2329


Who has bitcoin prices for the last couple of days until now, please send me

hour or less in time+price format


Who has bitcoin prices for the last couple of days until now, please send me

hour or less in time+price format

I don't understand, if we take 3 random series a,b,c, the correlation of a+b and c+b will be 0.5. But it doesn't work with currencies.
I don't understand, if you take 3 random series a,b,c, then the correlation of a+b and c+b will be 0.5. But it doesn't work with currencies.

add trend

I don't understand, if you take 3 random series a,b,c, then the correlation of a+b and c+b will be 0.5. But it doesn't work with currencies.

Because each currency pair is two series connected non-linearly


Because each currency pair is two series connected nonlinearly

take the logarithm and they are linearly connected


take the logarithm and they are connected linearly

You can connect them any way you want - you will still have to trade on the original pair


You can connect them in any way you want - you will still have to trade on the original pair

It's true, I just don't understand why 0.5 doesn't work


Musk bought bitcoin four days ago, great news


Yes, it's just not clear why 0.5 doesn't work.

It's not clear without an example.