Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2241


In different languages, in different concepts... interesting, of course, but it's a bit boring without intelligible explanations))))

When I was young, an executive told me, if you can't explain your understandings to the cleaner, they are worthless)))))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I listed articles on my resume for the position of data analyst and I received a lot of offers from big offices

But I have another job, it's just a hobby. But if the need arises, the road is open.

That's what a certificate is for. And not a deep knowledge.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

In different languages, in different concepts... interesting, of course, but it's a bit boring without intelligible explanations))))

When I was young, an executive told me, if you can't explain your understandings to a cleaning lady, they're worthless)))))

This is a long-standing tale. Uncomplicated and empty. And if he believed that tale, then his level of understanding is close to that of the janitor. And they would find each other.

You know what the new-fangled name for a janitor is?



Oleg avtomat:

That's what the certificate is for. Not in-depth knowledge at all.

In-depth knowledge of what? How to find a pattern in SB? That's up to you :)

I showed you the patterns that exist in the financial market and how long they live, in scientific terms.

you can keep the rest of your conspiracy theories.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

In-depth knowledge of what? How to find a pattern in the SB? that's up to you :)

I showed you the patterns that exist in the financial market and how long they live, in scientific terms.

you can keep the rest of the conspiracy theory.

That says it all.

I asked you a question there, but for some reason you didn't notice it.

I'll repeat the question:

What do you think is wrong with mashkas? Do you know what a MA bottle is, what it represents?

Машинное обучение в трейдинге: теория, практика, торговля и не только
Машинное обучение в трейдинге: теория, практика, торговля и не только
  • 2020.12.16
Добрый день всем, Знаю, что есть на форуме энтузиасты machine learning и статистики...
Oleg avtomat:

That says it all.

I asked you a question there, but for some reason you didn't notice it.

I'll ask you again:

What do you think are the bad things about mashkas? Doyou know what an MA is, what it is?

MA is a moving average, this says it all. There's nothing more to add.

And it doesn't matter how you count it
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

MA is a moving average, that says it all. There's nothing more to say.

It doesn't matter how you calculate it.

That's all you know...

Do you know what a low-pass filter is?

Oleg avtomat:

Well, that's all you know...

Do you know what a low-pass filter is?

No, I'm not a radio amateur.

I assume that you can make a 'filter' of any 'frequencies', without going beyond the MAC terminology, optimizing by some criterion

the 'filter' is an order of price increments, and it is delayed

Come to think of it, it's a simple MA
Prostaya MAther Automashka
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

No, I'm not a radio amateur

I assume that it is possible to make a 'filter' of any 'frequencies', without going beyond the terminology of the MAKS, optimizing by some criterion

the 'filter' is an order of price increments, and it is not lagging

A MAC is a first-order low-pass filter. It is the simplest version of the LPF. Ask yourself about the theory of filtering, you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things.

You've got a lot of attitude, you're all radio amateurs, but you don't know a little bit about radio communication and radio control. Without this knowledge there would be no radio, no television, no airplanes, no flights into space, etc. There would be no REB systems, no navigation systems, no missile guidance systems, no missile defense systems, etc., etc.

Think about it, think about how much wider (?) or higher (?) your knowledge is than all these radio amateurs.

Such arrogance speaks only about a weak mind, and you repeat this arrogance thoughtlessly, following your idol, fixated on TViMS, as if TViMS is the king of sciences and covers everything and everything.

Oleg avtomat:

The MA is a first-order low-pass filter. It is the simplest version of the LPF. Take an interest in the theory of filtering - you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things for yourself.

You've got a lot of attitude, you're all radio amateurs, but you don't know a little bit about radio communication and radio control. Without this knowledge there would be no radio, no television, no airplanes, no flights into space, etc. There would be no REB systems, no navigation systems, no missile guidance systems, no missile defense systems, etc., etc.

Think about it, think about how much wider (?) or higher (?) your knowledge is than all these radio amateurs.

Such arrogance indicates only a weak mind, and you repeat this arrogance thoughtlessly, after another of your idols, fixated on TViMS, as if TViMS is the king of sciences and covers everything and everything.

Here we go again with the old bird and the old man in Kiev. Examples of the transfer of REB capabilities to trading, please.