Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1773

Their neural systems usually have one neuron on the output, which (by a function I don't understand) generates always one decision: "-Go to work!"
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Yes, on the new ones, but now I realized that the target is wrong. I took the actual vector ZZ with an offset, which is wrong.

I need to sketch out a script to get the target out.

By the way about the target, think about it, when I wrote the pilot I came up with the target, there will be this moment, and it works even better than I thought, and do you know why? because the investor demands to know how things are going before they are... how does it feel? but you don't understand that... we are from different universes :-)
Sealdo Sergey:
Their neural systems usually have one neuron on the output, which (in a function I don't understand) generates always one solution: "-Go to work!"
Ha ha, that's funny. And it wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true... You're absolutely right about the whole thing....
Sealdo Sergey:
Their neural systems usually have one neuron on the output, which (by a function I don't understand) generates always one decision: "-Go to work!"
So there is such a pattern - XX% go and work after such words.

Let's go to the rooms


Dudes, you won't believe this, but I'm preparing a very specific composition to announce myself. You'll be the first to know about it...

It's a pity Veronica is busy, but I really liked her. Unless Max is lying of course.....
Mihail Marchukajtes:
Come on, how the fuck do you know, admit it, you bastard, not you... I'll challenge you to a duel, bitch, if it's true... I just liked her, that's why I got upset :-)

pfft... for a duel - get in line :)

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

pfft... duel, get in line :)

You son of a bitch, you're the one who's been squeezing it, so... i'll go first, and i'll go first, so please don't take it, there's no point...

To the barrier, sir....

Or wait a minute, didn't you teach her this knowledge with tea? Aaaaah? confess the bastard ....

Mihail Marchukajtes:

You son of a bitch, you're the one who's been squeezing it, so... I'll go first and follow me, please don't take it, there's no point...

to the barrier, sir....

Or wait a minute, didn't you teach her this knowledge with tea? ....

The only thing that matters in a relationship with a special person is specific skills.