Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1722

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I have the answers...

Yes, yes ))) of course there are )))))

The 6th message is nothing...


Yes, yes ))) of course there is )))))

the 6th message is nothing...

look for cycles, don't worry about stationarity

when you find it, call me.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

look for cycles, don't worry about stationarity

When you find it, call me.

Isn't it an option - the joint definition of cycles - trends, trends - cycles...


What is not an option - the joint definition of cycles - trends, trends - cycles...

trends are not cyclical, cycles are cyclical)


Trends are not cyclical, cycles are cyclical)

A regularity is a recurrence of something which can be detected by some parameters. A cycle is a pattern that repeats after a certain definable interval. Not necessarily an equal interval, but definable somehow. These are in general different tasks, to find to some extent the same price behavior in different ways and track some certainty of repetition of these patterns over time, in intervals of price passage up or down, through the speed you can see if the price has gained speed, and what in the end...


Trends are not cyclical, cycles are cyclical)

Their nature (price and time) is different but the goal is the same (profit) for the trader and the broker!

Euro, rank by ticks, 5-digit step, from 15.11.2019.

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Valeriy Yastremskiy:

A pattern is a repetition of something which can be determined by some parameters. A cycle is a pattern that repeats after some definable interval. Not necessarily equal interval, but somehow determinable. These are in general different objectives, to find to some extent the same price behavior in different ways and track some certainty of repetition of these patterns over time, in the intervals of price going up or down, through the speed you can see if the price has gained speed and what in the end...


Their nature (price and time) is different and the goal is the same (profit) for the trader and the broker!

If you build the GSCh chart, there will also be up-trends, they will also repeat themselves and not over the same period of time, is it a regularity?


If you build a graph of the GSR there will also be trends up trends down, they will also repeat and not over an equal period of time, is it a pattern?

If it's the result of pseudo-random processes, then it's a pattern. If they are random repeats, then the probability of them repeating is small.

Guys, come on, you're like little kids. The important thing is not the repetition, but the market reaction to this repetition. I am sure that there is no repetitive reaction to the same repetition, but I am just trying to keep my mind on it.

I have recently installed Quick, but I am tired of watching the volatility with a delay from the website, so I think I will monitor it in real time. I had a great opportunity to check this error, as I had no idea what to do with it. However, so far I haven't managed to set up the server, but it turns out to be easier than I thought...