Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1672


So where's our friend Innocent? And what happened with the sandpy)))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
It's a good time to sell, Kesha, as long as you have enough equi, and damn it


I can also teach everyone in words, like "let profits grow, cut losses", but in practice I fall into prostration like a deer in the headlights, now it's a dare or die, since it was 2200 I can not afford to buy higher, I'd rather sell a check, I can even cut off the retreat short 2 more, but I will not, I'm afraid. I'm waiting for the wave and at least 2300. Ok, I don't give a shit.

I'm not one to just give up and rush back and forth. MO is so, toys, and trade is primarily the will and equanimity.

Kesha Rutov:


I can also teach everyone in words, like "let profits grow, cut losses", but in practice I fall into prostration like a deer in the headlights, now it's a dare or die, if it was 2200 I can not afford to buy higher, I'd rather a check to lose, I can even cut off the retreat short 2 more, but I will not, I'm afraid. I'm waiting for the wave and at least 2300, alright, I don't give a damn.

I'm not one to just give up and rush back and forth. MO is so, toys, and trade is primarily the will and equanimity.

Doesn't it occur to you that the shorts like that are going up? Well, the rough idea is this. When I was shorting (sort of) I also "saw" a reversal... To 2,000 and below. Thought they'd go up again. Buffett said, if you don't know who's losing money in the market, you're losing it.

But I guess you're not the only one sitting in the same position.) And the risk is spread ...

The election is in the fall. Trump will bust his ass...
Kesha Rutov:


I'm not the kind of person who just gives up and rushes back and forth. MO is just toys, but trade is primarily a matter of will and equanimity.

There was such a teacher here already, who was talking about balls of steel.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

There was such a teacher here already, who was pouring on about balls of steel

Your teacher? Only goddamn teachers! As the saying goes "all bullshit until bets are made", I made mine, I am trading my market forecast, I believe that on a wave of mass deaths, and they will definitely happen, the American market will collapse. I do not really care whether I'm right or wrong, the goal is to make a buck. And look at history, when has it ever been the case that after a 40% drop, everything went straight back to normal? Spring-summer will be at the bottom. It's just a pullback.

There's an election in the fall. Trump will bust his ass...

Trump is screwing up.


Doesn't it occur to you that the shorts are going up? That's a rough idea. When I was shorting (sort of) I also "saw" a reversal... To 2,000 and below. Thought they'd go up again. Buffett said, if you don't know who's losing money in the market, you're losing it.

But I guess you're not the only one sitting in the same position.) And the risk is spread out...

I know, now all the meat is buying them hysterically and they'll rip them to shreds.

Kesha Rutov:

Your teacher? Only goddamn teachers! As they say "all bullshit until the bets are made", I made mine, I trade my market forecast, I believe that on a wave of mass deaths, and they will definitely happen, the U.S. market will collapse. I do not really care whether I'm right or wrong, the goal is to make a buck. And look at history, when has it ever been the case that after a 40% drop, everything went straight back to normal? Spring-summer will be at the bottom. It's just a pullback now.

Last summer the euro-bucks 50000 on the demo with a leverage of 100 against the market went up to 1018 in a month and closed on the deficit. Today against the market 8-10 days would be enough.... No gloating.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Last summer the Eurobucks 50000 on the demo with a leverage of 100 against the market flew up to 1018 in a month and closed on the deficit. Today against the market 8-10 days would be enough.... No gloating.

I'll close at 2800, I will lose a thousand, if anything, it's not fatal, but it will be 2300 palubasu. What shoulders, with such volatility)))) I hope there are no idiots who trade crypto with leverage.

For me it's necessary to trade with risk at least at the level of weekly or monthly salary, then brain works properly, otherwise it's like on the demo, the market lessons are not digested, the more expensive information is, the more useful it is.

Good morning, Master. May the force be with you)))

Thanks gray urchin for the guidance !!!!
Kesha Rutov:

I'll close at 2800, a grand loss, if anything, not fatal, but will be 2300 palubasu.

As for me, exactly 2000 will not touch - a very round level, from itall will pack for the adult, but somewhere below 2100 run imho, based on the scale of destruction.

You should be on RBC, with such predictions