Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1661


Consciousness as self-deception

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Consciousness as self-deception

Baba confuses consciousness with the transcendental self, which is from another world

psychologists can not be trusted with anything ) they even can not come up with a normal concept of consciousness

The latter from one of the most powerful philosophers of our time.
Главная характеристика современного общества. Александр Дугин
Главная характеристика современного общества. Александр Дугин
Почему мы сейчас живём внутри Логоса Кибелы - в мире без смысла и цели, в мире без мужчин. Каковы глубинные тёмный опоры капитализма и прогресса. Что нам нео...
about broads and philosophy...

Bastard Logos :D

Seems interesting, I'll have to see.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Bastard Logos :D

Seems interesting, we'll have to see.

It's better in the morning. On a fresh head. Some of his lectures are very difficult to understand. Although the last couple are fine.


It's better in the morning. With a clear head. Some of his lectures are very hard to take. Although a couple of the last ones were okay.

i studied philosophy) it's like going to the toilet.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Baba confuses consciousness with the transcendental self, which is a different thing altogether.

Transcendental means a concept so basic to us that it cannot be expressed by us through others? Like Kant's space and time?

But Kant seems to place the transcendental in consciousness. So the notion of our I is part of consciousness, but it is impossible to say anything about the nature of this I in principle?

Consciousness can, roughly speaking, be somehow conceptualized by listing the basic ideas stored in it (space, time, self, etc, etc) and the methods for deriving derived ideas from them.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Is the transcendental a concept so basic to us that it cannot be expressed by us through others? Like Kant's space and time?

But Kant seems to place the transcendental in consciousness. So the notion of our I is part of consciousness, but it is impossible to say anything about the nature of this I in principle?

Consciousness can, roughly speaking, be somehow conceptualized by listing the basic representations stored in it (space, time, self, etc., etc.) and the methods for deriving derived representations from them?

The transcendental is that which cannot be cognized, or transcends. Like the immaterial or field soul and other parts beyond the material world )

consciousness is actually spirit in religious terms or a manifestation of spirit (e.g. Christianity), which is kind of immanent to humans but not transcendent... but that's not accurate

hate these terms ))

In short, in more or less advanced teachings, consciousness is not attached to the human self. One can identify with it while in a certain degree of ignorance.
What a way to go, you guys. You're so high-minded. Let me put it this way: man became rational when he began to identify his own self. After all, it is unlikely that animals can imagine themselves as another species, maybe some chempanzas, but otherwise consciousness is when you can look at yourself from the outside or imagine yourself differently. Maybe it's just a fantasy, though. But if you imagine the thought process as a transmission of electrical signals between neurons, then consciousness is nothing but a cloud of electrical discharges in a certain state. Imagine the brain, now take away the flesh and leave only the electrical signals. What do you see? A cloud of charges in a certain state. And yes, psychotropic substances were the reason for the transition to the identification of the self.

The self should be associated with consciousness, because consciousness is also ego and pride and other things that separate a person from the rest of the world. In this sense, consciousness is just a way of self-identification, which is the responsibility of the mind, stupidly separating the body from the non-body.

In religious practices, if a person wants enlightenment, he stops separating himself internally from the rest of the world, i.e. he puts his self into spiritual things like god or soul, and begins to feel rather than think. Then the concept of individual consciousness disappears, there is a sense of unity with the world, etc.

these are two extremes that connect via the middle way for example (like in buddhism), when man achieves spiritual enlightenment and feels inner unity with the world, on the other hand understands the necessity of external material self-identification in order to develop

Since all Western philosophy is a philosophy of materialism in its essence, these psychologists are looking for consciousness in the 1st way, they make something up. I.e., they try to describe functionality, which is probably also useful )