Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1522

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

finally! the body will no longer be necessary, only the brain in a box and a titanium skeleton with hydraulics.

Since human learning is nothing but stimulation of brain neurons by the external environment through the senses, and now it is possible to stimulate them directly with electrodes, one may never even learn about the existence of the real world around, one can take out a newborn brain and put it into the nutrient medium of an artificial cranium and voila - an unkillable killing machine that is as smart as a human.

Most likely most of the body is still needed for physiological functioning of the brain, such as lungs, stomach, liver and kidneys, while the heart, hormonal system and muscles can be thrown out, you get a cyborg without sex characteristics.

Andrey Dik:

finally! the body will no longer be necessary, only the brain in a box and a titanium skeleton with hydraulics.

Since human learning is nothing but stimulation of brain neurons by the external environment through the senses, and now it is possible to stimulate them directly with electrodes, a person may even never learn about the existence of the real world around, one can take out a newborn brain and put it into the nutrient medium of an artificial cranium and voila - an unkillable killing machine that is as smart as a human.

Most likely most of the body would still be needed for the physiological functioning of the brain, such as lungs, stomach, liver and kidneys, while the heart, hormonal system and muscles could be removed and you get a cyborg without sex characteristics.

Cyborgs are fine, I'm for it, it's cooler than bags of bones :) And the brain itself is a terribly inefficient thing that shits more than it thinks

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Cyborgs are fine, I'm for it, it's cooler than bags of bones :) And the brain itself is a horribly inefficient thing that shits more than it thinks.

The brain is an inefficient thing, yes... But it opens unbelievable possibilities of integration with external computational resources, for example you connect plugin to brain as module R or Phyton and that's it, the moron is a moron and became smart (after ML), because brain is the same thing with electrical signals as usual computer (only analog stuff), then you can train in the same way, for example with paid subscription (training brains as a service).

But there is another question - how economically expedient it is for the states and corporations to produce child prodigies, it is more profitable to produce consuming morons, so there will be not only speed-up plug-ins (for celestials) but also retarding plug-ins with necessary consumption skills for socially mandatory government programs.

forum engine inserts links on the topic)))
Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Большую часть времени современные компьютеры простаивают и не используют всех возможностей процессора. Мы предлагаем задействовать их с пользой. Вы можете сдавать мощности вашего компьютера другим участникам нашей сети для выполнения разнообразных...

It turns out that not all Colombians have joined the drug business or the Marxist guerrillas. Some of them are writing dissertations about speculation on their pesos using hmm and Bayesian networks.

Andrey Dik:

The brain is an inefficient thing, yes... But it opens unbelievable possibilities of integration with external computational resources, you connect, for example, a plugin to the brain as module R or Phyton and that's it, the moron is a moron and immediately becomes smart (after the corresponding ML), since the brain is the same crap with electrical signals as the usual computer (only analog crap), then it can be trained the same way, by paid subscription for example (brain training as a service).

But there is another question - how economically viable for the states and corporations to produce child prodigies, it is more profitable to produce consuming morons, so there will be not only accelerating plug-ins (for celestials) but also inhibiting plug-ins with the necessary consumption skills for socially mandatory government programs.

the forum engine inserts links on the topic)))

That's right, Ilon said so at the end, there will be an app store, you can pump your brain with any plugins. I think there will be purely viral plugins as well. For example, you download a free advertising plugin, and you end up spending all day thinking about the ads it spins in your head and pestering passersby with it. And you get bitcoins for it.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

That's right, Ilon said so at the end, there will be an app store, you can pump your brain with any plugins. I think there will also be purely viral plugins. For example, you download a free advertising plugin, and you end up spending all day thinking about the ads it spins in your head and pestering passersby with it. And you get bitcoins for it.

The villain and bargainer is Elon, though he smiles very affably. It is urgent to open their Brain App Store, before this crook does it first. We can organize there Signals, Private Chats, Freelance Thoughts.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

That's right, Ilon said so at the end, there will be an app store, you can pump your brain with any plugins.

Andrey Dik:

We will get a cyborg with no sex characteristics.

it will be sad in the future, a pimped-out brain and no pee-pee ....

Maybe we could simplify the process. - like in Game of Thrones - there was a smart eunuch Varys and no need for any chips! ))))

Igor Makanu:

it's kind of sad how the future will turn out, a pumped-up brain and no pussy....

maybe simplify the process? - like in Game of Thrones - there was a smart eunuch Varys and no chips needed! ))))

there is nothing sad about it, you can buy a pee-pee (m or f) in any store as an umbrella and download the appropriate software from the stock. all these gadgets of both sexes have been freely available for ages, only there has been no possibility to connect these devices to the brain so far.

Andrey Dik:

All these gadgets of both sexes have been freely available for a long time

Hmm, I guess you're right, I guess I'm behind the times, an old believer so to speak - I live with what I was given at birth, I simply have not thought about it in this direction