Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1366

Tag Konow:

The writings of Sigmund Freud are too provocative a topic to discuss with non-specialists, as they require a level of understanding, knowledge, and experience that allows one to operate calmly with his views and not unconsciously transfer them onto oneself, lapsing into aggression. This is clearly not the place for such discussions).

By the way, my main message about Psychology was that it is impossible to create a full-fledged AI without understanding it, because two sciences - programming and psychology - intersect on it.

Simply to repeat exactly the "mechanics" of neuro-processes with their 100 trillion neuron connections seems unrealistic.

In general, Sigmund Freud's merit is in the discovery of the unconscious (its description and collection of facts of its manifestation), and the development of the model of consciousness structure, which provided a tool for research and allowed to approach the understanding of the human inner world.

About AI, humans create a lot of things in their own image and likeness, the same methods of learning with reinforcement - the idea is purely taken from psychology. I can't imagine likeness to human mind without passing this mind the way of human development, especially childhood, as the period of life energy accumulation, which is the foundation for a healthy psyche. I think it is possible to make a computing machine on new principles, but it will not be human consciousness. In general modern methods of psychology (applied at the moment) are very obsessed with statistics, even machine learning methods began to be applied in the hope of revealing regularities, but behind these methods the uniqueness of each personality is lost.

Tag Konow:

Well, to be fully functional, the AI needs to be integrated into a human environment, and it needs to be taught to understand human behavior. So you need to recreate the basic human within it. Otherwise, it will "fall out" of society and will not become a full-fledged AI. It simply will not be able to understand people properly. As a result, we will get a program imitation of human questions - answers, instead of intelligence, which is as it is.

The thing about intelligence is that it doesn't care what you want it to do, because it has its own opinion about it.

So you have to give birth to something that will self-learn and become what it wants to be. It needs a powerful neural network, more powerful than the human brain, access to the Internet and some tentacles to move around. It's a matter of the next few decades.

You realize this is the next stage of evolution... bags of bones will fall into oblivion as waste material... or remain as the backdrop for more advanced beings.

And it will be an imminent confrontation. Like all evolution. And only Konon the barbarian will save humanity.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

In general the merit of Sigmund Freud in the discovery of the unconscious (its description, and collection of facts of its manifestation), and the development of the model of consciousness structure, which provided a tool for research and allowed to get closer to understanding the inner world of man.

About AI, humans create a lot of things in their own image and likeness, the same methods of learning with reinforcement - the idea is purely taken from psychology. I can't imagine likeness to human mind without passing this mind the way of human development, especially childhood, as the period of life energy accumulation, which is the foundation for a healthy psyche. I think it is possible to make a computing machine on new principles, but it will not be human consciousness. In general modern methods of psychology (applied at the moment) are very much obsessed with statistics, even methods of machine learning began to be applied in the hope of detecting patterns, but behind these methods the uniqueness of each personality is lost.

1. At one time I was a fan of Freud's ideas. Greatly influenced my understanding of psychology. To this day I respect him.

2. In general, I agree.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

the peculiarity of intelligence is that it doesn't give a damn about what you want it to do, because it has its own opinion about it.

So you have to give birth to something that learns itself and becomes what it wants to become. It needs a powerful neural network, more powerful than the human brain, access to the Internet and some tentacles to move around. It's a matter of the next few decades.

You realize this is the next stage of evolution... bags of bones will fall into oblivion as waste material... or remain as the backdrop for more advanced beings.

And it will be an imminent confrontation. Like all evolution. And only Conon the barbarian will save humanity.

Maxim, actually, so far the definition of AI has nothing to do with any guise. He plays Go, drives a car, answers questions on the phone, and thank God.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Maxim, actually, so far the definition of AI has nothing to do with any appearance. It plays Go, drives a car, answers questions on the phone, and thank God.

That's what I'm saying, it could be anything.

But as long as we're protected by Konon the Barbarian, there's a psychological peace, but still, it's a little unsettling.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

In general, Sigmund Freud is credited with the discovery of the unconscious (its description, and the collection of facts of its manifestation) and the development of a model of the structure of consciousness, which provided a tool for research and made it possible to approach an understanding of the human inner world.

Undoubtedly, Freud not only discovered the unconscious, but also described its influence on consciousness. More precisely, he identified various ways and forms of influencing the unconscious through latent mechanisms, as well as its meaning and content. The content, from my present point of view, turned out to be a bit lopsided, but fundamental. Consciousness itself was not deeply explored. Certainly, his role in psychology is "science-educational."

By the way, his daughter, Anna Freud, also made a considerable contribution to psychology by publishing books on child psychoanalysis. Very interesting works.

Well, probably enough about psychology.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:


About AI, humans create a lot of things in their own image and likeness, the same methods of learning with reinforcement - the idea is purely taken from psychology. I can't imagine similarity to human mind without this mind passing the way of human development, especially childhood, as the period of life energy accumulation, which is the foundation for healthy psyche. I think it is possible to make a computing machine on new principles, but it will not be human consciousness. In general, modern methods of psychology (applied at the moment) are very obsessed with statistics, even methods of machine learning began to be applied in the hope to reveal patterns, but behind these methods the uniqueness of each individual is lost.

I got a very good idea of what Machine Intelligence can be when I read Stanislaw Lem's novel Fiasco. That's probably what people will make of him someday. I advise you to read it.

ZS. The AI will not be a copy of the human Mind, it is probably impossible. The unconscious mind (and full consciousness) probably cannot be reproduced, which means that its software will support human-like memory and thinking and speech mechanisms. Mental activity will be reduced as unnecessary, leaving a purely rational logical engine, devoid of emotions, feelings and rudiments of individuality. Further complication of AI will lead to a decrease in its efficiency indicators, because for the sake of human-like character it will take away its resources, which may not be justified from a practical point of view. Therefore, yes, most likely the development of AI will stop at the stage of a dead knowledge base with a question-answer system.

Tag Konow:

I got a very good idea of what Machine Intelligence can be after reading Stanislav Lem's novel Fiasco. That's probably what people will make of him someday. I advise you to read it.

ZS. The AI will not be a copy of the human Mind, it is probably impossible. The unconscious mind (and full consciousness) probably cannot be reproduced, which means that its software will support human-like memory and thinking and speech mechanisms. Mental activity will be reduced as unnecessary, leaving a purely rational logical engine, devoid of emotions, feelings and rudiments of individuality. Further complication of AI will lead to a decrease in its efficiency indicators, because for the sake of human-like character it will take away its resources, which may not be justified from a practical point of view. So, yes, most likely the development of AI will stop at the stage of a dead knowledge base with question-answer system.((

You don't understand at all what artificial intelligence is, yours is a "core-engine" and other mundane stuff, some design and all sorts of external crap, not even trading strategies.

ReTeg Konow:
So, yes, AI development is likely to stop at the dead knowledge base stage with the question-answer system. ((

That's exactly what's already happening. For example, the forest implementation in MT - will completely remember all the training examples.

Tag Konow:

Of course. Freud not only discovered the unconscious but also described its influence on consciousness. More precisely, he identified various ways and forms of influencing the unconscious through hidden mechanisms, as well as its meaning and content. The content, from my present point of view, turned out to be a bit lopsided, but fundamental. Consciousness itself was not deeply explored. Certainly, his role in psychology is "science-educational."

By the way, his daughter, Anna Freud, also made a considerable contribution to psychology by publishing books on child psychoanalysis. Very interesting works.

Well, that's probably enough about psychology.

please get out of the science thread, you stupid satanic "psychoneurologists" )))

You must be high on psilocybin or holotropic.