Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1362

Tag Konow:

Why be rude. I'm not being rude to you. We're having an adult conversation here. No aggression. We're not teenagers...

I am not rude never, we always talk to guys this way, I do not know why everyone here is so soft)) just that not teenagers and mind as a bread

what is AI to me? just a definition, an abstract concept
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

and the moral of what?

Saveliev went somewhere? Maybe... at least he tells interesting facts

In the textbook to which I linked, most of these facts are stated, as well as in the lectures of Luria A.R. Р. .

Psychology is a very interesting activity, with a wide range of directions and schools, which is uncluttered and uses data from all fields of science.

I have nothing against the citizen, he actually popularizes neuropsychology, so fine, the surprising thing is that he denies it...

Yuriy Asaulenko:

To have experts.) Totally pragmatic task.) No science.

Exactly, and science is something that can be touched and experimented on, and preferably observed and expressed in an incomprehensible metric, which would be more scientific, not for plebs :)

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

In the textbook to which I linked, most of these facts are stated, as well as in the lectures of Luria A.R. Р. .

Psychology is a very interesting activity, with a wide range of directions and schools, which is unshackled and uses data from all fields of science.

I have nothing against the citizen, he actually popularizes neuropsychology, so fine, the surprising thing is that he denies it...

what the hell neuropsychology, did you watch the clip? )) was such a word even mentioned there? please don't put pseudoscience here, i hate it when you confuse your ass... with a finger

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I'm not rude at all, we always treat guys like that, I don't know why everyone here is so soft)) that's exactly why they are not teenagers and have a mind like a loaf of bread

Look, your denial of psychology as a science I do not quite understand. It looks like a rabid materialism with a denial of any idealism. So, it turns out that programming is also not a science, because it operates with ideas... OOP is not a scientific approach, because it is based on using properties of intelligence to build programs efficiently. Intelligence itself, then, is a property of pure matter, and nothing more. Yes, this is extreme materialism.

Tag Konow:

Look, your denial of psychology as a science is not quite clear to me. It looks like a rabid materialism with the denial of any idealism. So, it turns out that programming is not a science either, because it operates with ideas... OOP is not a scientific approach, because it is based on using properties of intelligence to build programs efficiently. Intelligence itself, then, is a property of pure matter, and nothing more. Yes, this is extreme materialism.

Because beneath any psychology lies a physical process - hormones, the structure of the nervous system, etc. Psychology as a phenomenon is a manifestation, not an independent process. I'm not interested in the effects, for example, someone blows a fart in the backstage of a theater and no one discusses this beautiful phenomenon, but everyone discusses the scoundrel who did it. It's the same with psychology - there's nothing to discuss, but you can discuss the structure of the brain and nervous system.

You've already brought up programming yourself in some way, I haven't even thought anything about it, and I'm not going to. Because you will lead again into the maze of your beautiful soul.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

because beneath any psychology is a physical process--hormones, the nervous system, etc. Psychology as a phenomenon is a manifestation, not an independent process. I am not interested in the effects, for example, of someone booing on the sidelines of a theater and no one discusses this beautiful phenomenon, but everyone discusses the rascal who did it.

There is no doubt that beneath psychology lies a physical process. Absolutely true. However, does this mean that psychology cannot be called Science? I'm not so sure. Let's look up the definition of Science on wikipedia.

Science is a field of human activity aimed at developing and systematizingobjectiveknowledge about reality. The basis of this activity is the collectionof facts, their constant updating andsystematization, criticalanalysis and, on this basis,synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations, which not only describe the observednatural orsocial phenomena, but also allow to build cause-effect relationships with the ultimate goalof prediction. Thosehypotheses that are confirmed by facts or experiments are formulated aslaws of nature orsociety[1].

It follows from this formulation that EVERYTHING that has facts, systematization, research, synthesis of new knowledge turns into Science. Anything that describes phenomena visible to us.

So, purely technically, Psychology is Science, because it does it all.


Good article, it just falls into the category of market: "In other words, artificial intelligence cannot solve a problem whose algorithm does not provide a "right" or "wrong" solution."

So that's what price is, "Poke or sell" ?

Математики создали проблему, которую не может решить машина
Математики создали проблему, которую не может решить машина
  • 2019.01.15
  • Nature 15 января 2019 11:43
Не все в мире познаваемо. По крайней мере, это касается искусственного интеллекта и алгоритмов машинного обучения. На первый взгляд подобное утверждение в наш век прогресса может прозвучать как самая настоящая ересь — но, увы, дела обстоят именно так. Международная группа математиков и исследователей ИИ обнаружила, что, несмотря на кажущийся...
Tag Konow:

There is no doubt that beneath psychology lies a physical process. Absolutely true. However, does this mean that psychology cannot be called Science? I'm not so sure. Let's look up the definition of Science on wikipedia.

Science is a field of human activity aimed at developing and systematizingobjectiveknowledge about reality. The basis of this activity is the collectionof facts, their constant updating andsystematization, criticalanalysis and, on this basis,synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations, which not only describe the observednatural orsocial phenomena, but also allow to build cause-effect relationships with the ultimate goalof prediction. Thosehypotheses that are confirmed by facts or experiments are formulated aslaws of nature orsociety[1].

It follows from this formulation that EVERYTHING that has facts, systematization, research, synthesis of new knowledge turns into Science. Anything that describes phenomena visible to us.

So, purely technically, Psychology is Science, because it does it all.

You want to play definitions?

All I can add is that psychology used to be the science of the soul, and now it's the science of its absence (c) I don't remember where the quote came from. Go ahead and discuss it without me, if you are so interested in this question. I am not.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

you want to play the definition game?

All I can add is that psychology used to be the science of the soul, and now it is the science of its absence (c) I don't remember where the quote came from. Go ahead and discuss it without me, if you are so interested in this question. I'm not.

Okay. Everyone is entitled to his opinion.