Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1316

Oleg avtomat:

I'm not being facetious. I am pointing out that the role of TViMS is only subsidiary, not primary. And he has it as his primary and only role. That is the trap.

Ugh, pardon, I previously confused TVIMS with his program VisSim.)) I did not get the abbreviation right away.

About the auxiliary - I do not know. There is a lot of noise, little noise, everything varies, and there is neither the main nor the auxiliary; everything is necessary, you can't do without it.

It's really not useful to get locked into TViMS).


Shit, but there's no such thing. Man, don't you guys ever get tired of trying to do this on your own? Ugh...

We're not on our own. Ideas are openly discussed here. That's enough. You just do not perceive them.)


Example: a task is set - here is a sinusoid with superimposed white noise, does a neural network predict such a thing? And so on and so forth.

It predicts it. There is no such task at all. Exemple from any NS package is your help.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

And we are not on our own. Ideas are openly discussed here. That's quite enough. You just don't perceive them).

Show the results of the simulation of the sine wave with white noise in tabular and graphical form.

All that is going on here and in the TYP thread is chatter, not work. I hope, you understand it, or you too are 50 years looking for the Grail without going out?


Show the results of the simulation of the sine wave with white noise in tabular and graphical form.

Again. Take a copy from any NS package. Your problem is already solved there).

There are instances which isolate the noisy sound from the noise, the code is open - take it and use it.

Just do it yourself. I'm not going to fool around and prove something obvious.

You'd better read a book about NS, maybe these questions will become less).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Again. Take a copy from any NS package. Your problem is already solved there).

There are instances, which isolate the noisy sound from the noise, the code is open - take it and use it.

Just do it yourself. I'm not going to fool around and prove something obvious.

Okay. After all, that's what a leader is for - puts the next task, etc. Come on, Yuri - everyone understands. That task will never be solved in this forum. And in 10 years it will be the same...


I agree. TViMS cannot completely overpower the market. That fine line beyond which it doesn't work is the presence of non-random movements in the process. How do you mathematically define them? I've already racked my brain.

You have to go beyond TViMS.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Ugh, pardon, I confused TViMS with its software VisSim earlier)). I didn't get the abbreviation right away.

It happens ;)


Not about you, of course, but just for the record: there are "connoisseurs" who perceive DSP as a swear word and an insult ;)))


Good. After all, that's what a leader is for - to set the next task, etc. Come on, Yuri - everyone understands. This task will never be solved within this forum. And it will be the same in 10 years...

Are you already a leader? You're already setting goals? It's funny.

Next time think of a more relevant task.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Are you already a leader? You're already setting goals? That's funny.

What the hell are you obsessing about? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? I'd give you a problem, but you don't think you're smarter than me, do you? How can you and I have goals and objectives in common? That's right, we don't.

But the trouble is, everyone here is like that-some even starve to death and sleep in a garbage can, but they don't do anything together, they don't apprentice with anyone. This is the paranormality inherent in this forum. If this fact is commonplace to you, it just strikes me to the core.

That's it. I`m done talking.


What the hell are you obsessing about? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? I'd give you a goal, but you wouldn't lift a finger thinking you were smarter than me, would you? How can you and I have goals and objectives in common? That's right, we don't.

But the trouble is, everyone here is like that-some even starve to death and sleep in a garbage can, but they don't do anything together, they don't apprentice with anyone. This is the paranormality inherent in this forum. If this fact is commonplace to you, it just strikes me to the core.

That's it. I'm done talking.

I can give you a problem, a real, necessary. But you won't solve it. Or you will solve it when everyone has already decided it for you and without you. That's the problem.

And no one needs a leader who does not know the subject.