Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1185

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, at least tell us. Briefly.

I wonder what to do, what everyone else is not doing. It seems to have tried all the options.

I promise not to laugh out loud.

In short, to analyze the sanction. In detail with you to discuss it makes no sense because judging by your tone you already know everything better than anyone else. So, you can laugh and optimize your stochastic or whatever you do.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Maxim, it's already been done a year ago. And wrote how, in this thread.

But I can't think of anything new. I'm still messing around with Python, maybe some ideas will come up.

Python is a topic, if you remember there was a link to bots from StarCraft 2, so the most part of bots are written in Python.
Farkhat Guzairov:
Python is a topic, if you remember there was a link to bots from StarCraft 2, so most of the bots are written in Python.

and? what difference does it make which programming language the developer wrote in? imho,python, almost always, is an interpreter, for games performance is important, so using python is more of a disadvantage for game developers than a plus

another point is that as a modeling system, Python can be attractive because the language is actively developing (promoted), not tied to the platform, Python supports all possible types of programming: Structured, OOP, functional programming - this point is very important when modeling, no need to "reinvent the wheel" and then transfer this "wheel" to other platforms - you take and write mathematical formulas as you see in the tutorial, and Python itself will sort out that it is matrix multiplication or work with functions

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

python is cool, numpy work with arrays

In mqql it's kilometers of code, so I overheated my brain yesterday... and got it wrong.

I don't have python yet. If I want to check a formula in Matlab, I take a ready script for Matlab and attach an explorer to open a file with historic data. I would port that to MQl during a week or google an implementation for C++ to apply it to MQL, I can do it in Matlab within 10-15 minutes and immediately look at charts... no matter what, I need a separate environment for modeling, while MQL is purely for trading.

Igor Makanu:

I haven't reached python, but if I want to check a smart formula in Matlab, I use a Matlab-ready script and attach an explorer to open a file with historical data. I would port all my MQl stuff to MQL over a week or google C++ solutions to put it into MQL, but I can do it in Matlab within 10-15 minutes and immediately see charts... no matter what, you need a separate environment to model, while MQL is purely for trading

I have developed everything without using indicators or anything specific to the terminal. As you wrote yourself, through a neural network you can get any indicator (conditional). It is only a matter of habit to switch to a more powerful language and simply download the history of prices. I have already written my testers, it is almost the easiest thing.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

As you wrote yourself, through a neural network you can get any indicator (conditionally). It's just a matter of getting used to switch to a more powerful language and simply load the price history.

Hmm, what an interesting idea! Why do you need these "spacers" between the MO and the price?

good idea!

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

As you wrote yourself, through a neural network you can get any indicator (conditionally). It remains a matter of habit to switch to a more powerful language and simply load the price history.

Fabulous prospects of neural networks, python "powerful language"... Ehhh... I even slightly envy your maniac fervor, but it's like falling in love, maximum for half a year, so you need new doping.


Fabulous perspectives on neural networks, python "powerful language"... Ehhh... even a little envious of your manic enthusiasm, but it's like a crush, at most for half a year, so you need new drugs.

you came up with your own nonsense and now you're even a little jealous of it

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Max, well done!!! I watched your signal. I don't care if the percentage of profit is still low - the main thing is the practice. Unlike the chattering of the frequenters of this branch.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Max, what about your cycles?