Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1171


That would have been before - I don't argue.

Now the trend is easily and gently tossed into the toilet with a coveted wrench I found literally "in my lap.


But why throw it away?

The trend can help your TS to discard the most risky entries.
Renat Akhtyamov:


But why throw it away?

The trend in your TS can help discard unnecessary inputs.

You mean go to a trending strategy? We could. But I don't have the time. I can't concentrate on algorithms because I'm greedy for money. My legs, of their own accord, are dancing.


A professor of mathematics was explaining the basics of probability theory to his friend "on his fingers.

- Do you see a bridge? What is the probability that the person who is about to walk across it will be male? Assuming, for simplicity, that the number of men and women is about the same, one in two. And what is the probability that two men in a row will walk across the bridge? Already one-fourth. For three men it drops to one-eighth...

- And what is the probability that fifty men in a row will walk across the bridge now?

- Two to the minus 50th degree. You can't count that much at once. All I can tell you is that it's negligible, and if it happens, I'll eat my tie!

- Can I get you some mustard?

While talking about theory, the professor left out one practical detail - there was a military unit nearby. In the midst of the conversation, he did not notice that a company of soldiers was entering the bridge.

Yes, lest it seem that the branch has turned into a flood - once again I say that in my TS I consider only stationary sections of BP, and I stupidly discard nonstationarity. I sincerely wish the same for neural networkers.

A professor of mathematics was explaining the basics of probability theory to his friend "on his fingers.

- Do you see a bridge? What is the probability that the person who is about to walk across it will be male? Assuming, for simplicity, that the number of men and women is about the same, one in two. And what is the probability that two men in a row will walk across the bridge? Already one-fourth. For three men it drops to one-eighth...

- And what is the probability that fifty men in a row will walk across the bridge now?

- Two to the minus 50th degree. You can't count that much at once. All I can tell you is that it's negligible, and if it happens, I'll eat my tie!

- Can I get you some mustard?

While talking about theory, the professor left out one practical detail - there was a military unit nearby. In the midst of the conversation, he did not notice that a company of soldiers was entering the bridge.

And the author of the text missed the fact that the case was in Israel and that all the soldiers were girls))

Once again I say that in my TS I consider only stationary parts of BP, and I stupidly reject non-stationarity. I sincerely wish the same for neural networkers.

Stationarity is not a requirement for the NS. Learn the basics, and then broadcast, you oracle.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Stationarity is not a requirement for the NS. Learn the math, and then broadcast, you oracle.

Show a work similar to Kolmogorov's (I will post it until NS lovers have results).


Show work similar to Kolmogorov's (I'll post it until NS fans have the results).

Here is where the operations on the field and methods of projectors - I start to swim, I do not understand what's going on, until then everything is crystal clear

this is the basics of machine learning, performed on punch card machines, just as we like it

Show me work similar to Kolmogorov's (I will post it until the results are available to NS fans).

What does this have to do with NS? And what does Kolmogorov have to do with it? Stationarity and non-stationarity can be conditions for solving specific classes of problems. But not always, and not all of them. NS has nothing to do with it.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

What does this have to do with NS? And what does Kolmogorov have to do with it? Stationarity-non-stationarity may be conditions for solving specific classes of problems. But not always, and not all of them. NS has nothing to do with it.

So you think that you can put everything you need into NS, and it's all over? Have you eaten too much henbane, uncle?