Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1092


Thanks, but the dollar index is formed based on currency turnover over a long period of time, the general data in Wiki, it is not quite correct

I am interested in the AI method itself to determine the difference between 2 charts and decide who is who

Igor Makanu:

Well, if I write in detail that I want to distinguish between 2 types of bars on the chart, apparently they are called impulse bars? and rolling bars?... I definitely won't get any answers


but the problem of distinguishing between two charts and two types of bars is essentially the same

I've just got interested in AI, read a little bit, watched a lot on YouTube, now I need some practice - the task is not for theory, but for practical training of AI - I can solve this task using OOP tools, but I cannot even formalize it in terms of AI - what to use? scaffolding? classification? just NS? ....


That's cool about AI.) I use NS. For classification.

In my thread about Python I have a picture of comparison of different classification algorithms from some demo-example. You can visually compare the results.

As for the practice, you have plenty of algorithms. I'm moving to Python now, but have not yet reached the algorithms themselves. Zero loop)).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

(That's cool about the AI.) I use NS. For classification.

At least something, why NS and not Kohonen maps?

can random forests do the task of classification? - I haven't googled such information yet.

and again, is it a task of classification or recognition? or what else?

Igor Makanu:

1. at least something, why NS and not Kohonen maps?

2. can random forests perform classification tasks? - I have not googled such information yet.

3.and again? is it a task of classification or recognition? or something else?

1. NS I understand what it does and how it does it. I haven't dealt with maps in detail.

2. scaffolding, yes they can classify. I don't like how they do it, but it's a matter of taste.

3. at least in most cases, the task of classification and recognition are the same task.

I still don't understand why distinguish the 2 graphs? Actually, it is even written on them.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

1. The NS I understand what it does and how it does it. I have not dealt with the maps in detail.

2. scaffolding, yes they know how to classify. I don't like how they do it, but it's a matter of taste.

3. at least in most cases, the task of classification and recognition are the same task.

I still don't understand why distinguish the 2 graphs? Actually it's even written on them.)

1. this is a big plus, I too have figured out NS, and training and fitting the network structure is not difficult, but there is a big problem here in filtering the data and even in the way of normalization - any change can be very significant. I haven't tried Kohonen Maps either, but I've read quite a lot, maybe I'll try it in practice.

2. Thanks, I will read up on it.

3. I think you are right, I googled the question, all I googled was your answer, I was hoping I had not read it all, but I guess I have

I'm a supporter of the idea that in order to teach a machine (AI) to do something you should first teach it simple tasks; if you feed the NS with OHLC data and the result of teaching is questionable, you can even give screenshots of 2 charts to the NS and it won't go anywhere - it will read what's written! )))


Then take the difference, at > 0 it will signal the belonging to the same currency(primitive solution).

oops, can you explain here?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

1. The NS I understand what it does and how it does it. I have not dealt with the maps in detail.

2. scaffolding, yes they know how to classify. I don't like how they do it, but it's a matter of taste.

3. at least in most cases, the task of classification and recognition are the same task.

I still don't understand why distinguish the 2 graphs? Actually it is even written on them.)

In principle, it makes no difference what it says, because it's a pointless idea to look for a match

In order to recognize it, there has to be an image/standard. And where it is - no ;)


Moron)))) Just been shown.............. ))))))))))

I've seen it, it's bullshit, you idiot.

When you don't have a brain of your own, of course, only the NS will help ;)))))))))))))))))))


You should learn how to trade before cluttering up the forum.


I said write! Don't write it))) Hilarious...

You'll teach us how to trade? How much is your price now? 400 or lower?)))

don't cry

You'll be a cutie.



Sweetheart, sweetheart, we have you button)))

Hey, why are you so cocky? ))))))))))

♪ don't cry ♪

Sweet Pea
