Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1082


Yesterday, I read the whole thread - God, what a hoot it was! Crowds of sufferers, pushing each other away, were tearing at the nets like lions, i.e., literally with their teeth. They shone with wit and madness... They were feeding everything that moved, up to a bald devil...

And then what happened? Apathy, weak knees and emptiness. The usual hangover.

Once again - prepare input data that meets the requirements of Kolmogorov and you'll be happy.

We know, we heard:)

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

We know, we've heard:)

This is the key point. If someone says that it is impossible to prepare such a series - you can safely spit in his eyes. Sorcerer does it somehow - he has practically stationary BP and carefully keeps this secret of transformation. There's something to keep, obviously. That's what we need to work on. I also bend BP in black in my branch, but for other purposes.


This is the key point. If someone tells you that it is impossible to prepare such a series, you can safely spit in his eyes. The sorcerer does it somehow - he has practically a stationary BP and carefully keeps this secret of transformation. There's something to keep, obviously. That's what we need to work on. I also bend the BP blackly in my branch - but for other purposes.

I'm trying to make it so that this series will be obtained without my knowledge from any data, by pressing 1 button :))) and more money would come into my life naturally

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

And I'm trying to make such a series would be obtained without my knowledge from any data, with the push of a button :))) and the big money just came into my life naturally

That's genius.

Let's wait, what now... I really want to get drunk from the neuroGrail. I'm thirsty...



Let's wait and see what happens now... I really want to drink from the neuroGraal. Thirsty...



Made out of a skull?



I will express my opinion, if you really want to understand classical neural networks, you should not read translations, especially interpretations of local experts, because it will lead you to a dead end or to wrong results from the beginning.

Google in your head and translator to help, you will be happy.

There's just one thing, the neural network itself is not an AI, it's a component of it. Just a neural network can be trained, and the next level higher, there must be a network of a higher order (decision-making) and so on.

don't get it....

it's pretty clear.

Let's take the Winner's series of order 1, i.e:

which means that the igra will be equal to the ics multiplied by the corresponding coefficient A-item, which is different for each ics...

what's so cool about it?



And multiply the unit by the price.

