Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 651

Iwould not have thought that I would have thought about it, but I would have thought about it:

I think that the era of Forex gurus is in the past, the modern sucker is more sophisticated, he knows that a small deposit does not disperse, and a large one, you need to spend many years to develop the skills, to the guru now sucker does not go, probably better to look for investors in different asset management schemes, pams, etc.

I think there are suckers not because of life but because they are forced to))

Dr. Trader:

It is now fashionable for dealing companies to call you and, if you open an account, to give you a Personal Tutor. Under his leadership you will open and close trades, he will show you how to make a million. "And right now the euro is in an uptrend, if you open an account right now and deposit 100 dollars - you will earn one thousand by the weekend, but you have to do it today, hurry up or you will miss the big money". In other words, the gurus remain, but they are not promoted by themselves, but by the dealing center.

If you don't want to be promoted by the dealing center, you may just send them to the... straight text, it's fun.

you open an account and they give you personal parsley, for fun

Gentlemen! Students and unemployed! Old and young!

What's the panic? I, for example, just for this day +100% to deposit. True, on the demo, but using tick quotes from the real NDD account.

I do not worry, Alexander and Schrodinger's cat will do everything and start distributing TS right and left, as promised.


Gentlemen! Students and unemployed! Old and young!

What's the panic? I, for example, just for this day +100% to deposit. True, on the demo, but using tick quotes from the real NDD account.

I do not worry, Alexander and Schrodinger's cat will do everything and start distributing TS right and left, as promised.

Alexander, with such profitability they will not let you work at the brokerage!


Gentlemen! Students and unemployed! Old and young!

What's the panic? I, for example, just for this day +100% to deposit. True, on the demo, but using tick quotes from the real NDD account.

The analyticaltical model of the Market Maker is based on the real analytical model and it is based on the real money.

Until the first "swan"))

As evidence at this point in time:


As evidence at this point in time:


No, it does not roll - it's lyric, and you PR as a physicist and your positions on the screen, as of 0 o'clock, in the loss, of course, may have time to close, but then, please, report in studio!
I willnot do it:
No way, it's not cool - it's lyric, and you PR as a physicist and your positions in the screenshot, as of 0 o'clock, in the loss, of course, may have time to close, but then, please, report in studio!


All on full automatic, no fooling around, no cheating, no idiotic stop-losses and take-profits.

Please believe and to speed up the process of turning in the project to help:

Who has nothing to do at all - write a program to convert tick archives from any broker. It is necessary to bring the time series of quotes to the same. I.e. as if they come every 1 sec. I should analyze the time column in csv file. If there is no new quote in a certain second, then interpolate with the previous value.

I'm sure this thing is necessary to all traders. Do your good deed!



All on full automatic, no fooling around, no cheating, no idiotic stop-losses and take-profits.

Please believe and to speed up the process of turning in the project to help:

Who has nothing to do at all - write a program to convert tick archives from any broker. It is necessary to bring the time series of quotes to the same. I.e. as if they come every 1 sec. I should analyze the time column in csv file. If there is no new quote in a certain second, then interpolate with the previous value.

I'm sure this thing is necessary to all traders. Do a good job!

You do not know what you're asking for. Today Brokers have no unified standard for storing ticks, everyone uses whatever he/she wants.

This means that the parser will always be individual. There is no universal one.

The only thing you can do is to create a general algorithm for filling the missing data and discarding too frequent ones.

But the algorithm must accept already prepared data, something like: two arrays, one with timings, the other with the price.

But again, some timings are in microseconds, others in milliseconds. There is no standard type storing timings less than a second.

So again we have to mold each other.