Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 167

I am goingto keep it cold for now:
I don't need to draw hypothetical conclusions - I pointed out to you the most real and legal way.

I'm not lazy...

just now...

the OPENING trading house or whatever it is...


Здравствуйте, я могу открыть у вас счет если я гражданин Украины те не резидент РФ11:39


Добрый день. Для открытия счета Вам нужно предоставить:
1.      Нотариально заверенный перевод паспорта
2.      Документ, где указан адрес регистрации по месту жительства (если такой штамп отсутствует в паспорте)
3.      Документ подтверждающий право пребывания на территории РФ (виза, разрешение на работу, миграционная карта и т.п.)

Вы присылаете скан-копии документов – наши юристы проверяют, дают подтверждение на открытие счета.
Только после этого начинается подготовка договора.

ВАЖНО! Открытие счета происходит только при личном присутствии в офисе компании на территории РФ.
Адреса офисов здесь -




The question is why I need all this hassle, if I am already trading on FORTS through a platform where you can program robots. Only in order to trade in ТМ5 ???, as for me the argument is too weak....

Let's put it this way, come visit me and I'll buy you a beer )) If you find it rational to go to another country to drink beer with me, then I will find it rational to go to the Russian Federation to open an account to trade FORTS, which I have long been trading just not through MT5

So I put it in the fridge to keep it cold :)


If you have never opened MetaTrader - what are you doing here, on the resource of MetaQuotes - the developer of the trading terminal MetaTrader? I can't find any examples for MetaTrader from you.
Karputov Vladimir:
If you have never opened MetaTrader - what are you doing here, on the resource of MetaQuotes - the developer of the trading terminal MetaTrader? I can't find any examples for MetaTrader from you.
How does it do what? - It steals ideas.
Karputov Vladimir:
If you've never opened MetaTrader - what are you doing here, on the resource of MetaQuotes company - the developer of MetaTrader trading terminal? I can't find any examples for MetaTrader from you.

I hope that's your joke right now?

page 146 of the same thread...


From here

Renat Fatkhullin2016.10.11 03:43 RU

Please stop the accusations.

Every language has its place. R is great for interactive research. It's my second day of researching it (I read the book before) and it really looks like a powerful debugger with visualization of the innards.

Working with R has immediately revealed our weaknesses:

  • MQL5 has few powerful functions for frequent operations. For many things you have to write microcode. In the next two builds we will roll out dozens of new functions for complex operations in a single call.
  • We need more math functions. We've already released the first version of the R function analogue in beta and will now take it further by adding vector variants.
  • We need a simple and powerful graphical library with functionality like graph packages in R. We will create it with an eye on R.
What are we doing it for?

We have released the first algorithmic trading platform with the MQL language back in 2001. Each time we increased its possibilities, but the mathematical algorithm left much to be desired. We were developing the analysis, data access, tester, distributed calculations, and then we started to sell our products.

And then it became clear that most of the solutions were stuck in a vicious circle of theanalysis, indicators and fitting. We need to let the developers get to the next level of mathematical capability.

That is why we started extending mathematical libraries in MQL5 some time ago and also released in beta Alglib, Fuzzy and Stat. They will make it easier to transfer worked-out models from other systems to MQL5 and raise the class of created analytical solutions forthe Metatrader 5 platform.

In the next 2 months you will see the progress we will make in developing the mathematical environment.

We welcome and welcome discussion of complex mathematical packages as well as articles on them. Write and send requests for papers to Rashid Umarov (Rosh). Our objective is to encourage and educate traders in more sophisticated methods, not to fence them in our own MQL5 world.

Of course, we are and will be defending our language and platform from attacks, but we are also working to develop them. So everything will be fine.


I highlighted.

SanSanych Fomenko:


I highlighted.

It will turn out like with refugees in Europe - they let them in (slave labour and everything), but now they don't know how to expel them.

Ask the administration, what you'll get the answer: "And we may be here at the forum will use their software, third-party, we just do not need the MT on hell, but here on the forum is interesting so we are here. You are allowed to create in the context of MT, not outside of it, otherwise you are not only not useful for the resource, but also harmful.

Andrey Dik:
How does it do what? - Stealing ideas.
And you, Andrew, this topic bothers your eyes? Can not pass by that or what? Security guard syndrome developed?

I hope that's your joke right now?

page 146 of the same thread...

Didn't see any code from you. What's the point of all this research without MetaTrader? It's time to share with the community and show MetaTrader integration with your developments. Otherwise, it looks a little strange - you are discussing unfamiliar things, while this unfamiliar thing is not integrated with MetaTrader 5 trading platform.
Alexey Burnakov:
Does this topic bother you, Andrei? Can't you pass by, or what? Have you developed guard syndrome?
Sorry, I do not like freeloaders, sly****а, and parasites.

Guys, you're getting off the subject... Get to the point, gentlemen...