Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 149

Please stop the cholivar.

All ideas related to analysis and hypothesis testing are united by the urge to extract knowledge, and people are separated by their professional habits.

I am ready to repeat in my usual environment any idea written in mql using functions and methods common to different environments. If the idea is interesting, of course.
Alexey Burnakov:
Please stop this chorus.

All ideas related to analysis and hypothesis testing are united by the urge to extract knowledge, and people are separated by their professional habits.

I am ready to repeat in my usual environment any idea written in mql using functions and methods common to different environments. If the idea is interesting.
The main idea of the article is to show how to deal with this problem in a new way. Actually my indignation is because of it, and not because of presence of R or anything else. So it doesn't even smell like a hullabaloo (comparing anything).
Andrey Dik:

Do you understand what you just said? "The MQL language is not suitable for creating EAs with very complex models and logic..." That's what Azulenko, Perevenko, and Fomenko say. These are people who don't know MQL language and don't know its features, who have never tried to write something serious enough in MQL...

I'll try again. I said that mql doesn't have standard solutions for many complex modeling problems. However, there are programming languages that can solve these problems in no time at all. That's why I and those whom you've mentioned, will choose a language, which can solve these problems in two accounts. But if you have months of time to create and refine and test different algorithms from scratch, then no problem, anything is possible. Only strange that you consider a rational use of your time and resources as parasitism.

"MQL is not suitable...". - The question was not clear where this phrase was found, what's interesting is that it's your own subconscious conclusion.

Note that MQL and R are not in competition, they are tools that can be successfully used together, perfectly complementing each other. Everyone understands this, and no one bans mentioning R.
And if you take an MQL-competitor, some *****, you will be banned for mentioning it. I hope you understand the difference and where it comes from.

It seems to me you get paid for mentioning mql in every post appropriate and inappropriate, otherwise it's hard to explain your blindness.


Let me try again. I said that mql has no standard solutions for many complex modeling problems. At the same time, there are programming languages that can solve these problems in no time. That's why I, and those you mentioned, will choose a language where this can be solved in no time at all. But if you have months of time to create and refine and test different algorithms from scratch, then no problem, anything is possible. Only strange that you consider a rational use of your time and resources as parasitism.

"...MQL doesn't fit..." - This phrase you found in the middle of nowhere, it's noteworthy that this is your own subconscious conclusion.

Also note that MQL and R are not competing, they are tools that can be successfully used together, complementing each other perfectly. Everyone understands this, and no one bans mentioning R.
And if you take an MQL-competitor, some *****, you will be banned for mentioning it. I hope you understand the difference and where it comes from.

It seems to me you get paid for mentioning mql in every post, otherwise it's hard to explain your blindness.

You have some kind of askew thinking, sorry. I'm not saying anywhere that R is bad, or that anything else besides MQL is bad or worse. I'm saying that you should not criticize, you know, YELL! There's no need to criticize, you know?

Let me put it another way, maybe you'll get the point... There are many religions in human society, which without exception are all important and necessary, which appeared in different conditions of people's life, which allowed to unite collectives in difficult times, religions contributed to the survival of people. Now imagine a man in a skullcap in an Orthodox church shouting "Allah akbar!" and putting out lighted candles and throwing icons off the walls... Such a person will be viewed with condemnation, to put it mildly. The same unflattering picture will be if an Orthodox person enters a mosque and chants prayers from the Bible, laughing loudly and mocking the Muslims.... There are many proverbs and sayings that describe this "With your samovar...", "With your charter..." and others.

Respect the place where you are can believe in anything and pray aloud to anything, but do not touch the achievements and achievements of the people around you.

And no one is never banned for mentioning foreign languages, do not lie. They can, of course, ban you for the context in which you mention foreign languages, and rightly so, those are the same Muslims and Orthodox behaving inappropriately.


Regarding R - there are no libraries specifically for forex trading.



R Code API for Forex Trading with OANDA Broker


Andrey Dik:

...and throwing icons off the walls...

So for you MQL is like a religion, which you can't touch like a sacred cow in India? Everything is perfect; and criticism and alternatives are forbidden? It's strange, I've seen mql being criticized for years on this forum and the developers listening to it, changing/adding what people need.
You need to be gentler, it will be easier to adapt to the environment and features.

Adults have such a concept as criticism. This is when you point out errors and inconveniences, and show alternatives to better. If you believe that criticism of mql is equal to blasphemy of religion, then it's over, goodbye.



Interesting, googled it, thanks. This will only work if the broker provides an api for trading. Something like trading by sending such http requests to broker:

Most bitcoin exchanges also provide api, in theory this package can be adapted to them.

Andrey Dik:
You'd better tell your R fellow "stop bullshitting MQLs! Actually, my indignation is because of it, and not because of presence of R or something else here. So it's not a hullabaloo here (comparing anything).

Show me, dear Andrey, at least one post where someone praised MQL, and then tear up your farts!!!!

A person who wants to read this topic will have to read three pages of your nonsense, is this your respect for the mql community?


You guys have three pages of nonsense in this thread, maybe it's better just to ignore it?

Interesting, I googled it, thanks. I don't think it will fit only if the broker provides the api for trading. Something like trading by sending such http requests to the broker:

Most bitcoin exchanges also provide api, in theory this package can be adapted to them.

And interactiv brokers also give their api and quotes for trading


So, for you, MQL is like a religion, which you can't touch like a sacred cow in India? Everything is perfect; and the criticism and alternatives are banned? It's strange, I've seen mql being criticized for years on this forum and the developers listening to it, changing/adding what people need.
Softer you need to be, it will be easier to adapt to the environment and features.

There is such a thing as criticism among adults. It's when you point out errors and inconveniences, and show alternatives for the better. If for you criticism of mql equals lauding religion, then I'm done, goodbye.

I assumed you wouldn't get my example with religion, I repeated several times "Don't scold!" - Nope, didn't get it...


Show me at least one post, dear Andrey, where someone has criticized MQL, and then tear up your farts!!!!

I showed you, several times already. Ask Azulenko and Perevenko, they know what I mean. And read your posts again, it will be clear, maybe...


Three pages of forum written stupid nonsense about nothing!!! A person who wants to read this topic will be required to read this your idiocy three pages, is this your respect for the mql community?


You guys have three pages of nonsense in this thread, maybe you should just ignore it?

We are not on a first-name basis. In a public place please behave decently.

If you have learned MQL, get acquainted with the tester and MT terminal, then maybe we will be able to find a common language and even use the word "you", if you master elementary tricks of polite conversation.