Does metatrader share your info?

Does metatrader share personal data like account size, trades, IP addresses and any EA's you use?
stonesmooth: Does metatrader share personal data like account size, trades, IP addresses and any EA's you use?

What do you mean by "share" — with broker, with other users, within MetaQuotes?

With brokers, obviously your entire trading history and current trades is available to the broker and the IP address connecting to their trading servers is obviously available to them as well.

As for the EAs being used or their code, then probably not, but they will be aware that you are using EAs to trade.


Thanks for the links Will!

Fernando Carreiro #:

What do you mean by "share" — with broker, with other users, within MetaQuotes?

With brokers, obviously your entire trading history and current trades is available to the broker and the IP address connecting to their trading servers is obviously available to them as well.

As for the EAs being used or their code, then probably not, but they will be aware that you are using EAs to trade.

I recognize your avatar, must be a great fx trader!

I was thinking in terms of entities besides the particular broker in use. Like can some other entity snoop on what you are doing or does Metatrader even sell or allow others to see what the most profitable traders are doing.

The thought of a trade explorers brought this to mind. All the most top profitable private traders must have some attention garnered if they are big enough and profitable enough. I know if I had metatrader's resources, I'd definitely like to scan and see what these guys are doing. I'm not the copy type, but definitely would be interested....wouldn't you?

Also, how can they tell we are using an EA?

Does metatrader share personal data like account size, trades, IP addresses and any EA's you use?

I think you ask about broker, wich metatrader isn't.

Vasile Verdes #:

I think you ask about broker, wich metatrader isn't.

No, it could be to anyone. I'm not specifically speaking about metatrader as a broker.

What I am wondering is if they would share our trading habits, account info, personal info etc. with OTHER parties...

Isn't everything for sale?...

Yes, I am a bit of a paranoid android/conspiracy theorist. haha

stonesmooth #:

So they don't have our trading data??

...unless we link up with their trade explorer?

This is a commercial platform, brokers buy this from metaquotes. And after that, brokers give to us this platform for trading. So, all data you give to each broker, they do what they whant. Depends of regulations etc.. Metaquotes have no acces to that.

stonesmooth #: I was thinking in terms of entities besides the particular broker in use. Like can some other entity snoop on what you are doing or does Metatrader even sell or allow others to see what the most profitable traders are doing.

If I were to follow your logic, then you could say that Apple or Microsoft has access to all data of all users using their products and software. Technically that is possible, but if that were to happen in a general sense then those companies would be commercially ruined forever and dictate their bankruptcy.

In the same way, it is technically possible for MetaQuotes to have access to all their users' data, but it would also dictate their ruin and bankruptcy if it were to happen in a general sense.

Vasile Verdes #:

This is a commercial platform, brokers buy this from metaquotes. And after that, brokers give to us this platform for trading. So, all data you give to each broker, they do what they whant. Depends of regulations etc.. Metaquotes have no acces to that.

I've been looking at the off-shore game and have a feeling that all these or at least a group of them are the same broker.

I know for fact and seen it on the websites that they offer "whitelist" broker solutions

Fernando Carreiro #:

If I were to follow your logic, then you could say that Apple or Microsoft has access to all data of all users using their products and software. Technically that is possible, but if that were to happen in a general sense then those companies would be commercially ruined forever and dictate their bankruptcy.

In the same way, it is technically possible for MetaQuotes to have access to all their users' data, but it would also dictate their ruin and bankruptcy if it were to happen in a general sense.

I feel what you said, yeah they do wield a lot of power as a company. I am sure that there is such capability. Even if it is utilized or at least constructed it would never be known.

All of these companies like the ones you mentioned do.