Best service for writing product documentations


Hi friends,

I'm creating MQL indicators. For each product I create user documentation. For documentation I uses MQL blog service but recently I have faced the problem with symbols count limitation. The maximum amount of symbols is 64000. My documentation requires more space.

Have anyone faced this problem before? What's the best practice to provide customers manual for product with out this limitation? I have tried to create article at MQL service but it should be reviewed by moderators and as I understood it is not for documentation purpose.  

Thanks for your time.


Hi friends,

I'm creating MQL indicators. For each product I create user documentation. For documentation I uses MQL blog service but recently I have faced the problem with symbols count limitation. The maximum amount of symbols is 64000. My documentation requires more space.

Have anyone faced this problem before? What's the best practice to provide customers manual for product with out this limitation? I have tried to create article at MQL service but it should be reviewed by moderators and as I understood it is not for documentation purpose.  

Thanks for your time.

I create a PDF  then zip it and attach it to blog posts

ALEKSANDR SHUKALOVICH: I'm creating MQL indicators. For each product I create user documentation. For documentation I uses MQL blog service but recently I have faced the problem with symbols count limitation. The maximum amount of symbols is 64000. My documentation requires more space. Have anyone faced this problem before? What's the best practice to provide customers manual for product with out this limitation? I have tried to create article at MQL service but it should be reviewed by moderators and as I understood it is not for documentation purpose.  

Just as the previous post, I too recommend the use of PDF (or a CHM file if your documentation is intricate enough and wish to build from an HTML source).


I have to say however, that it is a major oversight of MetaQuotes, not to have created a method for user documentation to be included on the products web page.

Just as there are sections for "Overview", "Reviews", "Comments" and "What's New", there should also have been a section dedicated to the user "Documentation", in a way similar to how Articles are presented.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I have to say however, that it is a major oversight of MetaQuotes, not to have created a method for user documentation to be included on the products web page.

Just as there are sections for "Overview", "Reviews", "Comments" and "What's New", there should also have been a section dedicated to the user "Documentation", in a way similar to how Articles are presented.

I agree, I asked for that a long time ago without response..

Paul Anscombe #:

I create a PDF  then zip it and attach it to blog posts

Thanks a lot for your replay. That idea was top on my had but I was not sure that's a good way. But now I'm more confident that's fine to do that.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Just as the previous post, I too recommend the use of PDF (or a CHM file if your documentation is intricate enough and wish to build from an HTML source).

Thanks for your comment.

Paul Anscombe #:

I agree, I asked for that a long time ago without response..

Yes, support is awesome here. Hope they do there best.