Examples: MetaTrader 4 on Linux


New article MetaTrader 4 on Linux has been published:

In this article, we demonstrate an easy way to install MetaTrader 4 on popular Linux versions — Ubuntu and Debian. These systems are widely used on server hardware as well as on traders’ personal computers.

The MetaTrader 4 platform is ready to run on Linux

Author: MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Hopefully, one day in the next century, Metaquotes will propose portable coded software instead of that pure MS design. Before you chosse something more modern, you still can use wine, but with all the slowdown and headheaches coming with. Of course, wine is very active to update its releases (twice a month), and using the latest one is often the best choice as .NET is better supported now (and Mono too) related links: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2893 (MT4) http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=19984&sAllBugs (MT5) https://code.google.com/p/winetricks/ to get additional fonts, apps like .NET2/3/4 ....

Yes Linux is great, some would say mandatory, but when will MetaQuotes help to ensure that MT5 will run under WINE and LINUX ???????   

The cost to get tweak WINE to allow it to run MT5 backtesting agents would be easily affordable. 

the metaeditor doesn't show suggestions on linux platform as we type commands( half commands metaeditor shows suggestions)..any way how to resolve this.????.
The problem I have faced with Metatrader on Linux is the brokers software updates... Alpari updated their Metatrader package, and it stopped working. If anyone falls in this trap, download the Metatrader specific to your Broker and reinstall it from scratch.
My recommendation is not to use MT4 in Wine/Linux for back testing and optimisation.  In testing against Windows installations I have found inconsistencies in the results in Wine/Linux.  I believe there are plenty of people using Wine/Linux for trading, however, with good results.
Use VirtualBox from Oracle Corp.!

Any Windows-compatible software could run natively under Linux if the .dll and environment needed would be fully replicated.
But many .dll are microsoft copyrighted and cannot used without a windows license.
The WINE and CrossOver projects works to fill this gap recreating the .dll needed.
This work require time and effort, also to keep the updates running.

MetaTrader 4 pages:

http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2893 WINE

http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name/?app_id=2157 CrossOver

MetaTrader 5 pages:

http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=19984 WINE

http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name/?app_id=8364 CrossOver


account build 509 is ok.

I have a wholesale trade problem with mt4 build 600 to forex4you
the experts advisor appear not (not visible) not trade

I does not find or is the problem

be able you to give me soluce ?

excuse me english little bet

thank you

Problems with running MetaTrader 4 Build 625+ under Wine ?

Problems like MetaTrader 4 not being able to show mails, missing server files, empty charts, ... ?

This can help: Reference


On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, manually install dependence below BEFORE Wine 1.6 to avoid 'Software center' freeze.

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Accept license agreement by pressing  ⇆ <TAB> then <ENTER> ↵.

After that, Wine installation through 'Software center' works like a charm.