Verified user

Do user has to be verified to receive payment from article, codebase publishing or virtual agent only ?
Do user has to be verified to receive payment from article, codebase publishing or virtual agent only ?

There are no earnings in Codebase, but for the others I really don't know that, I will ask.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

There are no earnings in Codebase, but for the others I really don't know that, I will ask.

I mean cashing points earned from activity that don't involve cash from other users like published article and codebase code, cloud agents, comments, reading articles and the like
clandigax #:
I mean cashing points earned from activity that don't involve cash from other users like published article and codebase code, cloud agents, comments, reading articles and the like

This has stopped for a long time for new users, it's still going on for older members.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

This has stopped for a long time for new users, it's still going on for older members.

I see, what about publishing articles ?
clandigax #:
I see, what about publishing articles ?

No, you don't need to register as a seller for that. But there are certain requirements for articles that we publish (and pay for).

Check already published articles to get an idea about subjects and volume of articles.

Then prepare a draft with a detailed plan of what you are going to write. A moderator will check it and tell you if this meets our requirements.