Metatrader as Web version!


Hi there,

As you know, there is MetaTrader as a web version Which one of you knows, Which programming language was the web version programmed ?


Dokumentation zu MQL5: Konstanten, Enumerationen und Strukturen / Objektkonstanten / Web-Farben
Dokumentation zu MQL5: Konstanten, Enumerationen und Strukturen / Objektkonstanten / Web-Farben
Web-Farben - Objektkonstanten - Konstanten, Enumerationen und Strukturen - Nachschlagewerk MQL5 - Nachschlagewerk über die Sprache des algothitmischen/automatischen Handels für MetaTrader 5
Ali Hamed: As you know, there is MetaTrader as a web version Which one of you knows, Which programming language was the web version programmed ?

Obviously the web version frontend is HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

EDIT: And no, you can't run Custom Indicators or EAs or any kind of automation scripts on it.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Obviously the web version frontend is HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

EDIT: And no, you can't run Custom Indicators or EAs or any kind of automation scripts on it.

Hi Fernando,

Thank you for your answer.. Which programming language was used as a backend?

Ali Hamed #: Which programming language was used as a backend?

What relevance does your question have in regards to the use of MetaTrader terminal or the coding in MQL?


I'm not talking about MQL here, but only MetaTrader as a web version ..

As you know, the Web Applications consist of frontend and backend.

As frontend you use HTML-CSS and Javascript ...

As a backend you use PHP-Python-C Sharp etc ...

Do you know which programming language was used as a backend here?

Ali Hamed #:

I'm not talking about MQL here, but only MetaTrader as a web version ..

As you know, the Web Applications consist of frontend and backend.

As frontend you use HTML-CSS and Javascript ...

As a backend you use PHP-Python-C Sharp etc ...

Do you know which programming language was used as a backend here?

I know very well what I back-end is, and what a front-end is. You were the one that did not know what languages are used on web front-ends. Remember?

What I am asking, is why does it matter to you what back-end languages were used, if you will never need to interact with it, unless you planning to do something illicit with that knowledge.

If you are planning to hack in to try to create your own web-terminal api, then be warned that the last person to try that for "friendly" purposes, was aggressively pursued by Metaquotes in legal terms and it was not a very nice experience for them.

So, I would suggest you end your line of questioning. Please note, that I am in no way connected to MetaQuotes but I do know what their ruthlessness looks like.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I know very well what I back-end is, and what a front-end is. You were the one that did not know what languages are used on web front-ends. Remember?

What I am asking, is why does it matter to you what back-end languages were used, if you will never need to interact with it, unless you planning to do something illicit with that knowledge.

If you are planning to hack in to try to create your own web-terminal api, then be warned that the last person to try that for "friendly" purposes, was aggressively pursued by Metaquotes in legal terms and it was not a very nice experience for them.

So, I would suggest you end your line of questioning. Please note, that I am in no way connected to MetaQuotes but I do know what their ruthlessness looks like.

Hey I remember him. He used to post it on github and used thé webterminal as an api. I found the workaround ingenious. Are we talking of thé same person ? 
It's so bad he has been pursued, he deserved a job, isn't it the way of all grey hats ?!? 

I do not know  what you talk about.

My question is simple ....

I have no experience about programming, but I want to create my own web apps in future. For example..

Web app as a table with live prices

Which programing language can be used for such web apps in the back-end?

Can I do this or is not it allowed?

I heard that PHP is not good for such web apps because PHP is not so fast.

That's why I asked what programming language is suitable for such web apps as a back-end?

Ali Hamed #:

I do not know what's what you talk about.

My question is simple ....

I have no experience about programming, but I want to create my own web apps myself in future. For example..

Web app as a table with live prices

Can not you do this or is not it allowed?

Of course you could. It's even more encouraged.
Ali Hamed #:

I heard that PHP is not good for such web apps because PHP is not so fast.

That's why I asked what programming language is suitable for such web apps as a back-end?

Well I can't tell you exactly - I heard about electronJs for such app but never tried it.